Chapter 6• Hospitalized

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Waking up in the hospital was kind of creepy surrounded by all of my friends -not Rachael- and family staring at me with saggy eyes and looks of distress. Looking around, I notice the room is filled with plates of goodies, lots of flowers, teddy bears, and balloons. As they stare at me looking surprised I break the silence saying,
"take a picture it will last longer!" Everyone then bursts into happy tears and comes running at me like a heard of elephants. They then all smother me with hugs and kisses. After they all settle down I ask,
"Guys what am I doing here?"
"You don't remember?" Trey Small asks.
"Obviously not!"I say trying not to sound snobby but do.
"You were hit by a semi on your way to school 3 and a half weeks ago! You have been in a coma! "The doctors thought
you wouldn't make it but we couldn't loose hope."my dad says.
"So you're saying I've been laying in this hospital bed unconscious for 3 weeks?"I shout.
Everyone nods and my mom, who is holding my hand which is hooked to a whole bunch of machines, looks down at my legs. I start to stretch out but, I can't! My legs will not move! I start flipping like a seal only my legs aren't moving.
"Honey stop trying! You have done serious damage to your lower back. The doctors say you should be paralyzed for a while. But with physical therapy and all of this new technology you should be okay!"my mom exclaims.
"What about surfing?"I scream.
"You will need to take a break from it this year."my mom tells me.
"You were hit by a semi!"one of my old friends, Abbie, yells feeling ashamed in herself afterward.

Later after most people had left except my parents and Caleb, my parents sit reading magazines and Caleb comes up to me and sits on the side of my bed.
"How are you feeling baby?"he asks.
"Well my legs kind of hurt."I joke.
He half smiles then looks into my eyes in a way that makes me feel like I'm only girl he's ever seen. He leans in and kisses me with his soft lips.
"Since I never got the chance to say sorry about that day on the beach, I am so sorry!"he says with sympathetic eyes.
"Don't worry about it babe,"I say with a smile," just kiss me." He leans in and kisses me again. After the long kiss he gave me, he stands up and says,
"I'll go get you something to eat, okay Sky?"he says.
"Thank you"I reply,"I'm starving."

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