Chapter 8• Accident

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Today is the first day of summer and I lay in the living room staring at the ceiling realising how awful my life has become. Still not being able to walk makes me so, deeply depressed. All of my friends are at the beach surfing, at the movies, or just hanging out and I can't! I can't do the things I used to love! I'm all alone because my parents are both off at work. My dad on a business trip, my mom just a few miles away at the bank she works at, and Caleb, of course, surfing.

As I lay there the sound of the phone ringing startles me. I stare at the black house phone which sits on the clear, glass coffee table to the right of me not wanting to answer because I don't feel like talking to anyone. Once I decide to answer, the deep voice of the man on the other end says,
"Is this Skylyn White?"
"Yes. Who is this?"
"This is the Hawaii Police Pepartment."
"Why are you calling?"
"Your mother has been in a terrible accident."he says in a way that makes my heart feel like it just crashed and burned right into my stomach.
"What! Is she okay?"I ask loudly.
"I need you to come down to the hospital. Do you have a way of getting here?"he asks.
"Is my mother okay!?!"I scream into the phone.
"We will explain once you arrive."he says calmly. I hang up and quickly call Caleb.
"Hello?"he says after answering my call.
"It's me! I-i need you to drive me to the h-hospital! L-like right n-now!"I say with a shaky voice trying to hold back the tears.
"Sky! Are you okay?"
"I'll explain later! Just please come get me!"I then burst into tears.
"Oh my gosh! I'm on my way babe! Love you"he says.
Once we hang up he arrives a few minutes later. I explain to him what the man said as we drive.

Once we get to the hospital he pushes me in my wheelchair quickly to the front desk.
With tears rolling down my cheeks Caleb looks at me and asks for me.
"Excuse me? Miss?"
"How can I help you?"a young black-haired women answers.
"Um my mother... There has been an accident! Is she okay?"I say talking so fast I can barely understand myself.
"What is her name?"she asks
"Melissa White. Is she okay?!"I yell. After she types in her computer for a few seconds and then slowly looks up at me.
"Are you Skylyn White?"she asks with a sympathetic voice.
"There was a fire at the bank earlier and.." I cut her off yelling,
"Is she okay?!"
"I am very sorry. Your mother did not make it."

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