Chapter 31: Welcoming

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By the time Tansy arrived in Agate Village, her phone's battery was at 2%. She frantically dialled Boltund's lost and found number regardless. The phone died while she was on hold.

Sitting wearily against the wall, she rubbed her eyes, forgetting it would smudge her eyeliner. Great. Now I look like a clown. The nurse, with rust-red hair and eyes as blue as the clear sky, returned her healed Pokémon with a warm smile. Her white and pink painted nails matched her uniform.

'We've restored your Pokémon to full health. We hope to see you again!'

She hesitated before returning to the counter guarded by her Ampharos and Sylveon.

'You wouldn't happen to be the Tansy with missing luggage, would you?'

Tansy blinked. She must have looked shocked or frightened, because the nurse hastily waved.

'It's nothing weird! It's just that a guy contacted my husband – the Gym Leader – about the Boltund driving off without you.'

'That would indeed be me.'

'Oh! Well, we have your bags at the Pokémon Day Care.'


'Really! It's just up the hill from here, but if you like, I can call someone to show you the way.'

'Thanks, but it's fine. Not all Galarian people have Leon Fayed's sense of direction.'

The nurse still followed Tansy out to point her in the right direction. The Day Care was indeed atop the hill behind the Pokémon Center. Ditto-shaped lanterns illuminated climbing ivy that looked as if it might pry the shutters open. Cries of playing Pokémon floated from the garden.

Tansy felt as if she was dreaming as she climbed the hill. She wasn't sure if it was a good dream, a nightmare, or simply a bizarre dream. How did the Day Care staff end up with their bags? Did that creepy man really call Boltund, or did Delphina's message reach Spenser?

The sliding door opened with a button. Tansy was immediately greeted with the grating sound of snoring over quiet country music. The source was an old man asleep on a table. According to a faded sign, he was Orre's official Name Rater. Despite the rasping door and a Kabuto and Anorith battling under the table, he continued snoring.

'Welcome to the Pokémon Day Care.'

A white-haired lady smiled behind the desk. She shared her sky blue eyes with the nurse. It was the photo of Eldes on the desk that told Tansy she was Lumir's mom, Leden; so the nurse was probably Rustie, her illegitimate daughter with Eldes.

'Hi... the Pokémon Center lady said you've got our lost luggage.'

'Oh, yes! It's right here. Can I see your Trainer Card?'

Tansy placed her shiny yellow card on the desk. They were rarely used in Galar, but required to use Pokémon-related facilities elsewhere. She had it printed before she left.

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