Ch 0.8 The First Night*

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A/N: This is the first part of a mini-series I'm doing of just Korra and Asami before they had kids. It'll be really short but I wanted to show more insight to just Korra and Asami's relationship. This will take place in the next few short chapters and I'll have them labeled in the title with an asterisk (*). This part was inspired by ajckorrasami's "Shy in Bed" piece on deviantart.

Korra hesitantly shuffled by the door. “You know, maybe I should just sleep in the spare room.”

Asami paused before she sat down on the bed. “Korra, c’mon we talked this through. I thought we were ready for this.”

Korra gulped and looked down at her feet. Asami was right. They’d spent days preparing for this night. Asami was careful to make sure they weren’t moving too fast. Korra had already moved in anyway. But tonight would be the first night sleeping with Asami in her bed.

Korra took a few deep breaths and sat down next to Asami. Asami smiled and gently caressed her hand. “It’s okay. Nothing’s gonna happen.”

Korra was so nervous about sleeping in the same bed. Not because she was afraid it might lead to other things, because they hadn’t even made it that far. Korra was extremely nervous about that. But it was because Asami was just so perfect and beautiful that she didn’t know if she really deserved this. However, Asami really wanted to make this next step. She wasn’t being pushy about it, though. If Korra really wanted she could sleep in the other room, but then they’d still have to face this at some point.

Korra sighed and nodded towards Asami. The CEO happily pulled her into bed and together they settled down next to each other. They stared into each other’s eyes for a minute. Korra then averted her eyes. Asami gently held her hand to calm her down. Korra looked up anxiously. Asami pressed a light kiss to her lips. “You’re doing fine, hun. Relax.”

But Korra was red in the face all over again. She quickly rolled over and faced away from her girlfriend. “Night ‘Sami!”

Asami giggled and rolled over too. She found it amusing that Korra was embarrassed to kiss in bed when she was happy to kiss her any other time. She glanced over and could see Korra was still red all the way to her shoulders. She shook her head. Korra would warm up to this faster than she thought. “Night Korra.”

Korra woke up to something soft and warm in her hand. She tried to ignore it and go back to sleep but it was so welcoming to her. She peeked her eyes open and almost gasped. Asami slept contently beside her, holding her hand. Her luscious black hair swirled around her haphazardly. Her face was without make up. A small smile was on her face as she slept beside her. She was the epitome of beauty. Korra blinked realizing that she was closer to Asami than from when they fell asleep. In fact they were facing each other at this point.

Korra smiled tiredly and gripped her hand tighter. She realized something very important that day and it wouldn’t have happened without Asami.

She laid back down and happily watched her girlfriend sleep. After a few minutes, Asami stirred and opened her eyes. She smiled wide when she saw that Korra was still in bed next to her. “Good morning, Korra. So how’d you sleep?”

Korra smiled back at her. “Morning ‘Sami. That was actually the best night of sleep I’ve gotten in a long time. And it made me appreciate what I have now.”

Asami slowly sat up on her elbows. “What do you mean?”

“I want you to know this. I now have something to look forward to when I wake up every day.”

Asami smiled and inched closer to her. The space between was getting increasingly smaller. “And what might that be?”

“You.” Korra said. Asami laid a hand on her cheek and they finally eliminated the space between them with a kiss.

Asami understood what Korra was talking about. She knew how hard the past few years had been for her while she healed. But she was determined to give Korra every reason in the world to continue on living for the both of them.

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