IIII. Percy and Nico

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We were having dinner when Paul got a phone call from Nico. That's weird, how'd he get a phone? Or Paul's number?

Suddenly out of the shadows came Nico," Woah, uh hey Percy, that took a lot more energy than I thought it would. Don't tell Will." He shispered the last part as he lost consicousness. Lydia let out a quick scream, but not her banshee scream.

"What the hell? Who's he?" Lydia asked me.

I picked up Nico and carried him to my bed. "This is Nico. He's a son of Hades. I don't know what he's doing though. He's not supposed to be doing any underworld magic. You see he's still recovering from the war."

"Uhmm, oh."

"C'mon let's go finish our dinner."

"Yeah okay." She hesitates. "When are you going to take me to go see Siles?"

I roll my eyes and leave her alone in the room.



Ugh where am I? Once I see the Finding Nemo bed sheets, I know exactly where I am. Percy's room. Let's not tell Will about this, okay?

"Perce?" I muffel as I exit his room.

"Yo, in here!" He shouts from the living room.

"How long was I out?"

"Only a few hours." He pauses. "Not that it's not good to see you Neeks, but why are you here? Why did you shadow travel, you're not supposed to be doing underworld magic.(?)"

"I panicked. The girl I stole the phone from to call Paul started chasing me along with her boyfriend. So I panicked and ran into a shadow, and voilà."

"Ha. Then youu shouldn't have stolen Kira's phone. You know she's a kitsnue, right?" A girl with red hair states from the couch. Wow. How did I not notice her in the room before? Yeah, I must still be out of it.

I sway a little, so I lean up against the post for balance. "Are you sure you're okay Nico? Maybe you should go lay down for a little bit more." Percy says coming to my aid.

I shrug him off me and take a seat on the couch next to Lydia. "I'm Nico."

"I'm not interested." She says.

"What? Oh! You think I'm hitting on you? Gods no! Gross! Uh, no offense and all but you're not exactly 'my type'; also I think you might be my half-sister." Percy is in the recling chair in tears from laughing so hard.

"Uh, oh. Umm, so we're related?"

"Yeah, do you have two parents?"

"I used to but my parents got a divorce recently..." She states. Oh yeah, I haven't asked for her name! (AN: I'M NOT SO SURE ON LYDIA'S PARENTAGE OR WHATEVER, BUT I KNOW HER MOM IS AROUND, SO JUST GO WITH IT.)

"Oh... Uh, your name?"

"Oh, duh! I'm Lydia Martin apparently your sister." She introduces. "So who's our common parent?"

"Hades, god of the underworld and riches." I teach.


"That's why you're able to sense death. Now that may be why you inherited the banshee traits or not, i don't know." Percy says after he has recovered.

"You don't know anything Kelp Head." He sticks his tongue out at me all mature like, and throws a pillow at me.

"I actually think she might be a legacy of Athena, too. Have you see her IQ?" Percy continues with his 'lesson'.

"Only one way to find out for sure." I imply.

"You mean?" I just nod to cconfirm Percy's suspisions.

A/N: Sorry it's short, but at least its here. Sorry I suck at updating but honestly I'm having a hard time continuing this story. But if you guys will comment for me to update or comment with suggestions, I will update. I don't know how many of you actually care about this story, so I'd like to know. Again, I'm sorry. I don't mean to sound like one of those whiny authors that craves attention from their stories that everyone hates.





Kisses A

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