Adoption! (Author's Note)

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Sorry if this update psyched you out, but I feel you should all know that I am officially putting up the story for adoption. If you're confused on how that works, here it is: You continue the story on your account but you let everyone be aware that the first 4 chapters are on my account. I'll let everyone know that the story will be continued on your account once you have posted it up.
Again everyone, I am so sorry! But in no way am I capable of finishing this fanfic. I don't even know how to continue this story, well in words anyways. I know where I wanted to go with it, but I can't finish it. Does that make sense? If you have any questions on that feel free to comment or PM me.
To anyone interested in adopting this story but is unsure: I will help you along the way as you write it as much as I can. I only have one condition to whoever adopts, and I'll tell whoever adopts it so that it doesn't spoil anything.

So please PRIVATE MESSAGE me! The story desperately wants to be adopted!

I am thinking about letting multiple people have shared custody over this story to see the different creations come of this beginning. So even if you think I've given the story away already, still comment/ PM if you'd like to give a continuation a shot.

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