hawks and spiderman

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The bed was not comfortable, to say the least. Airpods blaring Try to Change by Mother Mother (from Recovery Girl's school phone for people to use in the nurses office), new uniform shirt just a tad too small, and bare toes wiggling against each other was not how (Y/n) expected to spend their training practice time; but hey, it's better then facing Aizawa's wrath.

Recovery Girl's little waddles were not heard over the song, but the smack of her cane sure was felt on their stomach.

"Oof! The hell-heck??"

They ripped the small devices out of their ears and jolted up, eyes wide in shock.

"Get up, dearie. Your class just started training outside and even the rain let up for the occasion. You're fine."

They rubbed their stomach and they mumbled: "Not anymore."

Recovery Girl reached up with her tiny arms and gripped (Y/n)'s hands, pulling them up and out of the bed with very surprising strength. She put her hands out and waited for the phone to be dropped into her palms, putting it in her pocket when that happened. She ushered them out and looked similar to Yoda as she waved goodbye and slammed the door, leaving them staring at the wall opposite of the room's entrance. They kicked said wall with little force, whimpering when they felt their toe start pulsing with pain. They grumbled curses to themself as they limped down the hallway, mentally preparing for Bakuhoe's onslaught of mocking laughter and 'creative' insults after their fun encounter at the 2-A door.

They entered the classroom, finding it thankfully empty, and continued to their still open slot in the wall that held their hero costume. Time for quirk introductions!

1. quirk: free will rope.

- the rope can grow out of wrists, fingers, knees, ankles, toes, elbows, back of neck, shoulder, lower back, and belly button.

- the strongest ropes are at the wrists, fingers, ankles, and shoulders. the weakest are the toes.
- each rope grows 20 ft.

- because rope (apparently) has straw in it... they have to eat straw or else they'll grow weak real fast.
- they have nylon in their blood, so it's used in their ropes, making them a pale pink color.

- advantages: pretty much spiderman without the scary spider bite.

- disadvantages: blood loss, strains whatever body part they're using if it's used too long, they need something to swing up onto or a stable object to grab to use, the ropes can be pulled out if someone tries hard enough, the blood loss can lead to dizziness, fainting, and possibly super hard to recreate blood transfusions.

- their hair is also thicker because it's basically super thin rope, so it can't be used for anything nor be manipulated.

- the rest can be manipulated in any way by their mind. (bdsm 😏 wait who said that??)

- also, it gives everyone, (Y/n) included, rope burn and those little splinters :) just a added bonus.

2. hero name: The Rope Hero: Funem (pronounced fuuu nem) It means Rope in Latin.

3. mom's quirk: hair made of nylon, called nylon hair

4. dad's quirk: can grow thread out of fingers and manipulate them, although not much more then just picking up light objects, called edward threadhands

5. costume time!! Tank top, joggers/leggings/shorts (whatever floats your boat just imagines holes at needed areas), strong black boots with a hole in the ankle for the rope, open-tip leather gloves to protect from rope burn, an army helmet with steampunk looking goggles that flip downwards, anything else you wanna add or change go ahead :P

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