real men do cry <3

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It's been a week since Eijiro had spoken to both Bakugou and (Y/n). He feels guilty about it, he notices the questioning gazes they both give him, as well as Denki... and the rest of the class. It's pretty well documented Kiri likes Bakugou. So it's obviously odd he won't even look at the boy.

Now he stands in line, listening to the chatters of his classmates, their excited voices do little to lighten his mood. Denki is standing besides him, quiet for once, seemingly anxious to speak in fear of pissing off his spiky haired friend. Kiri clutches his bag and pillow closer, burrowing his chin in further, wishing he could be swallowed into the earth he stands on.

His ears catch one conversation, the one conversation he wishes he could drown out the most.

"Baku, pleaseeeee bro. I'm begging, let me have some Doritos, dawg PLEASE 😩🙏🙏"

"Fuck off."

"Please, please, pleaseeee, pretty please with a cherry on top 🥺"

"Kicks, I'm simply going to have to murder you."

"I know you love me."

"..... die. Also, you never made me that playlist. So... double die."

"Oh. Lol."

Kiri peeked behind himself to see one of (Y/n)'s ropes sneaking behind the pair to sneak into the opened bag of chips as they conversed.

playlist? not like he ever asked me for one....

Kiri walked slowly after Kami onto the fancy, nice, expensive coach bus, and slid into the seat next to him. He heard his friend take a deep inhale in and out, and turned to him.

"Okay. I'm just gonna say it. I'm sick of this, what is going on? I'm here if you need to talk or need someone to listen, you know this, but you can't just keep it bottled up! Please, man, talk to me."

Kiri continued to stare down into his belongings as the laughter from the bus filled his head. He considered all the things he could say to his friend, finally deciding.

"I really thought we could've had something, dude. But...."

Denki chewed on his lip, it's what he feared.

"I guess I wasn't enough for him."

The two sat there in silence for a while, maybe a minute at most, and then Denki put a hand on his friend's shoulder and gave it a gentle squeeze.

"Have you considered that you're enough, and he just wasn't the right guy for you? Think about it man, you're in high school, he's not the only guy you'll ever meet and be attracted to. And if he's made you feel shitty in the past from his actions, he's not the one."

Kiri shut his eyes.

"You're right, but that doesn't mean I want you to be right. I just.... I really liked him, Denks."

He looked up, Kami watching his eyes fill with tears.

"And I- I... I don't know! I wanted- I thought.... After two years of being his number one guy, I'm forgotten. Just like that. And- god! I-"

Denki leaned in and pulled his friend into a side hug, letting Eiji's head fall into his shoulder to suppress his sobs.

"Kirishima. It's going to be okay. I love you, lots of people here love you, and soon you'll find the one who loves you most. And this will all just have been the 'written-by-a-high-schooler-storyline' so many of us have. It's gonna be alright, man."

Kiri simply nodded into Denki's bicep, the rest of the ride to the campsite grounds silent as Eiji slept on his friend's side.

hey guys. i graduated high school. thanks for your endless patience! i'll see ya with a whole life update next time (i dated a guy for 5 days, just a snippet of what's to come :0) GO OUTSIDE ENJOY THE WEATHER!!!!
your bestie

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