Chapter 6

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          Being back on the Normandy is oddly comforting. I sit in my cabin going over requests and reports from the crew while we are on the course to the Artemis Tau cluster. I sigh as I walk out to see Ashley, Kaidan and Garrus siting at the communal table. I smell a whiff of coffee and walk to the coffee pot. I try to make myself a good cup with cream and sugar but it's hard with limited supplies. As I grab my coffee, I hear someone call me. "Hey Commander, how was your shore leave?" Kaidan asks as I walk to the table and sit next to Garrus. I lean back in my chair as I sigh sipping my steaming coffee. "It was good to see family again, but I still had to work part of the time." I reply as I watch the water swirl in Ashley's glass cup. "I thought I saw you with a Drell though? You seemed relaxed around him." Garrus asks curiously. "It's complicated." I reply as I sip my coffee. "What do you mean by complicated?" Ashley asks. I sigh as I try not to stress over the situation but it's difficult not to when your life is at risk. "He's an assassin with a contract for me. He contacted me to help protect me and said three other assassins have the contract. Though, the best part is that Wright Thomason is their employer." I say as I pinch the bridge of my nose. I take a sip of my coffee to finish it, my hands hug the disposable cup as I look down to see it empty.

        "Shit." Garrus replies shocked. They look to each other, and we return to silence which seems to stick to the air. I get up and throw the disposable cup in the garbage. "Well, I'm sure everyone on the crew will agree that we'd be happy to help if need be." Kaidan replies. The others nod in agreement though it only slightly makes me feel better. "Thanks guys. If ya'll need anything from me I'll be in my room." I reply as I walk off. Several hours pass and I instantly hear the Normandy's public Comm go off. "Hey Commander, we arrived and managed to scan the planets nearby in the Knossos system. Dr. T'soni should be on the planet named Therum." Joker replies. "Thanks Joker, Can you tell Garrus and Wrex to meet me in the cargo by?" I ask as I stand stretching my limbs. "Aye, Aye Ma'am." Joker replies.

         I am deep in thought as I strap on my right legs armor. What should I expect at Therum? Geth is the most logical answer. Though, will Saren have other pawns waiting for us? I quickly grab my helmet and hear a deep, forceful voice that speaks with indifference. "So, how do we get to those Prothean ruins?" Wrex replies as I finish connecting my helmet to my armor. I walk to the Mako with the old Krogan following behind me. Garrus stands at the ready as I look back to Wrex. "You ready for a ride in the Mako, old man?" I ask as I tease the seasoned merc. Wrex's laugh booms throughout the cargo bay as he playfully punches my shoulder. I nearly fall though I grip Garrus' arm for stability. "I'm right behind you." He says getting into the Mako. Garrus chuckles as he follows Wrex. Once we are all inside the Mako Joker's voice speaks over the Comm. At Jokers command I drive the Mako off the Normandy and land safely on Therum. I let Garrus drive the Mako while Wrex and I control the scope and weapons.

        After exploring Therum and fighting through too many Geth to count we finally reach an obstacle that forces Garrus to stop the Mako. "Watch out those turrets are aimed right at us." I say as Garrus maneuvers the Mako to drive straight through the secret path on the right. Before pressing forward, Wrex aims the scope and I fire at the turrets destroying all three within a few minutes of each other. As Garrus drives through the secret path we find several Geth Units which include a Geth Prime and Juggernaut waiting at the buildings nearby. Once we finish off all the Geth we get out of the Mako and scope out the buildings. "There must be a way to open the gates. Let's try to find the controls but keep your guard up for any more Geth." I say as Garrus and Wrex nod in response. We find the control for both gates and head back to the Mako. "The Prothean ruin shouldn't be much further. Hopefully, Dr. T'soni is alright." I reply. "Yeah, Saren must want her for the same reason we do." Garrus replies. "Once we help her, she can tell us what she knows on the Protheans. She can even tell us why her mother is working for him." Wrex replies as we continue in silence until we either see more Geth Units or possible Prothean Ruins.

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