Remus Lupin & Sirius Black | Happy Birthday

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Remus & Lupin x Reader: Remus and Sirius give the reader an extra special birthday present ;)

Rating: Explicit

Word Count: 4k


The note left on your bed was cryptic at best, the amount of details left making it clear that the Marauder's had not included Lily in its writing – only in its delivery.

Gryffindor Common Room


Your Esteemed Presence Would Be Most Appreciated

Before you could open your trunk and begin to rummage through its contents, trying to figure out what exactly you should wear you see a dress hanging on the frame of your bed. Bless you Lily. No doubt the witch had known you wouldn't have a clue as to what to wear and left you no room for mistakes. The dress was beautiful, definitely something hailing from the Muggle world as it didn't look like anything any magic folk would wear. It was a little black dress with a straight neck and thin straps – looking in the mirror, you were entranced with how perfectly it fit, ending a couple inches below your ass as you saw while tying the ribbon that flowed down the back to cinch your waist.

You walked down the steps from the girls dormitories to be met with Remus and Sirius standing in the common room, stunned expressions frozen on their faces as they caught sight of you. Smirking, you walked up to them, giving them both a peck on the cheek as they finally regained function of their bodies, pulling you into tight hugs.

"Right then, turn around, kitten." Sirius held up a strip of fabric, motioned for you to turn.

"Ooo kinky... is this your birthday present to me?" You asked, joking.

But your breath hitches once the blindfold is secure and you feel Sirius's hand trail down your arm to your waist, his breath tickling your ear as he leans in, whispering, "Only if you're a very good girl tonight."

A shiver went down your spine and you nearly jumped when Remus grabbed your hand to lead the way, Sirius's palm still on your waist, pushing you along. Oh god, Remus definitely heard everything just then, bloody werewolf hearing!

The three of you walked down the corridors, footsteps echoing in the emptiness – everyone had long since gone to bed, or shut away in their own little revels, leaving the castle seeming deserted. After countless turns and unnecessary circling, what felt like forever, you finally got tired and spoke up.

"So how many more random turns are we going to take before you decide it's time to go to the Room of Requirement?"

"Dammit Moony! I told you we should have used a spell to blind her instead of a ratty old blindfold!" The whining tone rang out to your left from Sirius.

You swung out blindly, hitting your loud mark easily with his whining. "You idiot, I've been sneaking around here with you guys for years now! I know my way around – regardless if I can see or not – which I cannot as a matter of fact!" You swung out again but your wrists were captured securely this time by the offending party. "And blinding me?! Really Black?! You would take a woman's sight away from her on the eve of her birth?" The appearance of Sirius's true last name signalling that you were truly cross.

"Only if said woman asked me to, really nicely." You didn't need to see to know that a smirk the size of his ego graced the wizard's face.

A groan sounded from Remus. "If you two are quite done, we've got places to be, come along now."

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