Fun times🍿

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"Wh-what, why?" Karl said shocked at what he heard.
"Are you leaving us for Wilbur, Quackity?"

"Karl are you kidding me right now" Quackity said with tears prickling in his eyes.

Q:"You guys forgot about me Karl it was like I was never their..."

K: "I didn't mean too I just forgot to tell you about Kinoko Kingdom"

Q: "But you didn't forget to tell Sapnap though, You told George and he's not even your fiancé!"

At this point Quackity was letting it all out. Everyone had their eyes on them.
Karl could see the pain in Quackity's eyes he didn't blame anyone but himself for his mistakes.

Q: "Karl do you want to know what hurt me the most it's not the fact that I found out you guys built a whole country through George.
It's the fact that you don't even have your engagement ring on."

Karl was shocked he looked down at his ring finger and remembered he took it off.

Quackity looks down at his ring that he still has on, and takes it off and places it infront of Karl.

"You know I hate myself for thinking it was my fault things didn't work out."

"But I hate you for promising me this love was different" Quackity said while he was wiping his tears away.

"Quackity I-"
Karl tried to say but was interrupted when Wilbur came over and hugged Quackity.
"Can we leave please" Quackity said holding Wilbur tightly.
"Dad can you stay please just for one day, please" Tubbo said begging his father to stay for a little considering they haven't seen each other since L'manburg.

"U-um sure" Quackity whispered
"You can stay with me" George suggested so he can have the chance to talk more with his friend.
"Mmh" Quackity said holding Wilbur's hand and walking out.

At George's place
"Here we are, These two room are guest rooms for you guys to sleep in. If you need anything call me" George said pointing to the two rooms across each other then walking out of his house.

"Can you stay with me please" Quackity said letting go of Wilbur's hand and looking down at the floor.
Wilbur was surprised to hear Quackity asked that. Normally he would be the one to ask so he can see Quackity get flustered. But, he knew why Quackity asked... he didn't want to be alone so, he agreed.

"What ever you like my love" Wilbur's said grabbing Quackity's hand and leading him in to one of the rooms.
"I'll sleep on the floor I suppose and yo-"  Wilbur said being cut of by quackity hugging him.
"I want you to sleep with me Will" Quackity said looking up at Wilbur.
"Uh ok" Will said getting nervous, he never imagined Quackity wanting to sleep with him, this was all new.

"Are you ok love?" Wilbur asked worried for his little duckling. Quackity bitting his lip to stop himself from crying in front of the person he least trusted.

Wilbur took the silence as a 'no' and didn't push him anymore. Wilbur laid his head on top of Quackity's chest because it was comfortable. He could hear Quackity's heart beating like a slow beat drum.The way his breathing and heart beat was like a musical harmony, which soothed Will. He felt relaxed by the one person who he never expected. He drifted off to sleep leaving the feral hybrid(duck)to his thoughts.

Quackity was laying on the bed with Wilbur on his chest, He was stroking Wilbur's fluffy hair.
The way Wilbur was laying on quackity's chest and how Q is petting his hair remind himself of what he used to do to Karl.

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