Rebels - James Marriott

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School was coming to an end shortly, exams were over and the majority of stress had been lifted. Summer was quickly approaching as the weather lightened up and the day became longer. Night sky and chill winds were settling across the calming country.

James was sat in his town center with one of his only friends that had stuck by him throughout the whole of his secondary school career. Side by side on a battered down bench on the corner of the street facing the main road, looking out over as the cars flashed by. It was a Friday night and they knew they had the weekend to themselves.

The two were always the loners of school, they never really managed to gain any other people to stick around with them, not that they minded that much. They were never invited to any parties, even when the whole school was talking about the rager that had happened the previous night when the pair looked through with wide eyes.

“Any plans for the weekend Jim?” They turned towards their beloved friend, glancing over his face. Recently James had managed to start  growing a bit of facial hair, he was so inclined to shave it but Y/N had managed to convince him to try growing it out and had luckily enough been successful.

“Not much, not unless you got anything.” James looked back towards them to see a mischievous grin tugging at the corner of their lips. James was just so contrasted - should he be overjoyed at the cheeky grin or be filled with dread?

“Let's take a trip into London for the weekend,” Y’N looked dead into his eyes, gleaming with a strong spark despite the dark atmosphere. “Come let's take a train in and spend the weekend down there.” They jumped up and held their hand out for James to take. They took a look at his face, shocked at the statement coming from his friend on a simple night down in the town center after a long week at school.

“Bro, what? How? How are we gonna manage that?” James’ wide eyes were almost amusing to see them dart around looking for answers.

“I’ve got a card, should have enough for a train down to London and a hotel for the weekend.” They told him, excitement spiking their voice slightly.

This was often how their friendship worked. Y/N was the adventurous, outspoken one while James was the quiet stubborn one that hated to leave his comfort zone. They made quite the pair. Even at school James never tended to try to defend himself and instead kept his head down while his friend would resort to shouting and raising their voice at the first possible opportunity.

“I don’t know man, aren’t we better off staying and doing something round here.” James tried reasoning despite the fear of knowing that once they have a thought in their head, there is no going back.

“No, no no come on,” They reached out for the tall man's hand and dragged him to his feet - particularly reluctant from James’ part. “Let’s just go, I'll be in control, you don’t need to worry about anything, it will be all on me.”

James took a deep sigh and looked outwards towards the passing cars, he always wondered what it would be like away from home, away from stress even if it was only for a little while. “Well I guess, as long as you cover me.”

Just seeing the joy on his friend's face at his acceptance of the proposal, wide smile, wrinkles forming slightly under eyes and a giddy look that reflects the look of a child on christmas make it well and truly worth it.

Before he even managed to gather his thoughts, his friend gripped his hand tightly and started dragging him through the street with giggles trailing behind the two. Despite the hesitation he felt just moments before, he felt a strong sense of freedom and deep breath of fresh air.

Almost tumbling down the stairs, towards the ticket machine, on the platform with random passersby giving them odd looks as they glanced over (trying to hide the roll of their eyes).

Hearing the squeal of the train as it came to a stop, the pair looked at each other and took a look at each other before taking the first step up aboard the higher platform while knowing this was the weekend they weren’t gonna forget.

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