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written in third person

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written in third person.

    Spring had arrived in kingdom of Avradal. The grass in the meadow was bright green, and the flowers in their beds grew tall. The trees danced in their brilliant colors, exhibiting the green and orange colors of the spring season, creating an energetic atmosphere. The people had been so cheerful whilst singing various tunes with melodic riffs. They greeted eveveryone who passed by with a smile.

    In one of the hundred of rooms in the palace, one window was slightly open where the princess, Lady YN Argyris, sat peering through it. The young lady inhaled deeply and smiled as she stared at the magnificent scenery, but this did not last long when her father, King Ades, came with his entourage of soldiers and servants.

    "What did I tell you about sitting on windows, Clarissa?"

    "The kingdom looks magnificent today, father," YN replied. "Is it possible for me to go outdoors and visit our people?"

    Like every other princess of a kingdom, YN had always resided in the palace. She had a handmaid following her, guards on her side, and everything she needed right in front of her—except for the freedom to go out. YN had been imprisoned for years.

    "You already know my answer to that," Ades, who was already seated on his throne, answered. "You're safer here. I don't understand what makes you want to go out so badly."

    YN noticed her father's growing anger, but she didn't back down. She was also upset. She was putting in so much effort, but Ades won't give her a chance at all.

    "I grew up seeing the same old walls all the time! I see everyone going about their business outside, while I sit here like a damsel in distress!"

    "You shall not talk to me in that manner, young lady!"

    "Why? Why are you keeping me away from everyone?" she shouted back. "I don't understand!"

    "I am keeping you safe," Ades replied, his irritation subsiding. "I'm sorry for yelling, but please, YN. Do not bring it up again."

    YN sighed in defeat and turned to leave. Today was another setback in her quest for a taste of independence, but as long as she has hope, she will find a way.

    "Your majesty!" Kaevar, the messenger of Ades, shouted through the halls of the room. As soon as he saw the princess, he stopped to bow down. "Your highness."

    Before YN could leave, her attention was caught by Kaevar, who entered the throne room holding scrolls that appeared to be letters from their people and other kingdoms.

    "The king of Asgard," Kaevar says, pausing to catch his breath. "He has sent you another letter, your Majesty."

    YN stood in a corner, inquisitive, and stayed to listen to their discussion. The last few weeks had been filled with letter exchanges with Asgard's king, and she had no idea what was going on. Ades was never the type of man who loved to share.

    "A union?" Ades rested in his chair. His gaze was drawn to the letter in his hand. "Odin and I are old friends, but I will not allow my daughter to marry their prince. That's a shame because I was looking forward to this feast."

    "Should we write them a letter to explain the situation?"

    "No!" YN protested, immediately turning her into the center of attention. "What I was trying to say is that we should honor their request and attend this feast," YN explained. "Besides, you are old friends."

    YN stepped towards her father as she explained. She now had a plan. A ridiculous, yet possibly brilliant, idea. If she could persuade Ades to visit Asgard and approve the union—which was already exceedingly difficult given his father's stubbornness—then she might be able to be released from their palace. Even if it meant marrying someone she'd never met.

    "Wouldn't it be a fantastic idea to join forces with a kingdom whose ruler you also regard as a friend?" YN elaborated. "I've heard that Asgard is a prosperous realm. It'll be like killing two birds with one stone, father."

    The king's eyes narrowed. He appeared puzzled but cornered. "You are willing to give up your right to marry whomever you want for the sake of our kingdom?"

    YN hoped she could laugh. She could never have had any options in the first place. Except for the people who worked inside the palace, she had never met anyone else.

    "If it meant the growth of our kingdom." She forced a smile on her face. "And who is this prince that we're discussing, father?"

    "Well," Ades took another glance at the scroll. "They said you'd meet him once we arrive there."

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