𝒯𝒽𝑒 𝒷𝑒𝑔𝒾𝓃𝓃𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝒾𝓃 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝑒𝓃𝒹

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Estella Adhara Black and Harry James Potter sat in the headmasters office wearing robes from the 1920's.
Estella Black and Harry Potter were in love.
The kind of love that ruins you.
The kind that without the other your lost.
The kind that could be described as soulmates.
Because that's what they were.
They sat together holding hands listening to Albus Dumbledore, even if they didn't really trust the old goat they knew this was something they had to do.
For the wizarding world.
The-boy-who-lived and The-girl-who-lived always sacrificing more than they have.
"Hello my dears, I believe you are ready to leave?" Questioned Albus Dumbledore.
"Yes Headmaster" Answered a determined Harry Potter, who was staring at Estella Black his fiancé adoringly.
"But headmaster we were just about to get married." Whined an irritated Estella. It may have looked like she didn't care but Harry knew better.
She was worried.
This wasn't only messing with time but fate itself.
He rubbed soothing patterns on the back of her shoulder in an attempt to calm her down which he succeeded in.
"Ahh yes, about that I think it best if you do your vows now. It would be easier to settle down in the past if you are already magically married."
Estella looked like someone had just kicked a puppy.
"B-but what about a reception? What about brides maids? Dresses? Food?!"
She cried out in distress.
Harry chuckled at his fiancé's behaviour only to receive a mean glare from Estella shutting him up straight away.
They reminded him so much of the late James and Lily Potter.
He smiled a bitter sweet smile.
One filled with pain, and memories of the past.
Of what could've been.
"I must insist my girl, this would be for the best."
After much persuasion Estella finally gave in.
She replied with a pout.
"Don't be like that my love. Look it this way, this just means we can get married faster."
After that Estella was practically jumping in her seat.
"Very well, hurry up Harry say your vows!"
Estella practically shouted at her fiancé.
Harry laughed adoringly at his fiancé.
"I Harry James Potter, swear to love, cherish and hold Estella Adhara Black till the day I die, and death do us part. So mote it be."
"I Estella Adhara Black, swear to love, cherish and hold Harry James Potter till the day I die, and death do us part. So mote it be."
A magical glow of white and gold encased them both. Signalising that Lady Magic herself had given her blessing for their union. Estella looked like she had just won a million dollars, face beaming with pride and love for her Husband.
Dumbledore chuckled.
"Now before you leave there are things I must tell you, prepare you for. You will be sent back to the year 1925, 1 year before Tom Riddle was born. I suggest you pick him up as soon as his born, you already know the address but just in case it's Wools Orphanage in London. Blood adopt him and treat him as your own. I have a theory that Tom became who he was due to the way he grew up. You have a year to create a life for yourself and a name for yourself in the wizarding and muggle world. As soon as you get there you must get a inheritance test at Gringotts Bank. All comes to worse you still have the Potter and Black  vaults you emptied. You'll have to attend Hogwarts for your 7th year, when asked where you went just say you had a magical tutor. If asked where you were just mention your family went into hiding. It would be best for you Harry to claim to be a pure blood. Seeing as Estella already is follow her lead, she'll know how to deal with the pure blood society. That is all. I wish you luck, remember the wizarding world's future is resting on your shoulders."
With that Estella and Harry twisted the time turner 50 times back and in a whisp they were gone.


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