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As Ignotus and Morgana waited outside of the great hall to be summoned for the sorting ceremony, they talked in hush whisper's.
"Notus let's get the same house I don't think I can do this without you my love." She whispered in his ear, sending chills down his spine.
He merely turned around and pulled her into a chaste kiss. Foreheads leaning together breaths entangled. "Of course mi amor." His deep voice sending a pleasurable chill down her spine. She merely smiled at him. A smile filled with so much love no words could describe it. As they pulled away their hands tangelos in one another's the doors to the great hall opened.
"May I introduce our new transfer students."
Shouted the current head master Almado Dippet.
As they walked to the front Dumbledore who was sorting them called out Morgana's name first, and much to her surprise and pleasure called out her WHOLE name.
He paused staring at the name confusing many, before announcing.
"Peverell née Emrys Le'fay Morgana"
As she strutted up she heard everyone start gossiping whether it be about her appearance or her names she knew not.
She sat on the 3 legged stool as the hat sat on her head.
"Oh, why hello again Mrs Peverell or shall I say Ms Black?"
"Hello old friend, I beg of you to put me in the house you think suits me best."
"Ahh so your willing to listen this time."
He stated full of amusement.
"Yes, I apologise for not listening before but I must say I do not regret it. As I wouldn't be where I am now, with the one I love."
The hat chuckled.
"Very well better be.....SLYTHERIN."
The hat yelled out to the hall.
The Slytherin's seemed to lose decorum at that and exploded into cheers, bringing a warm motherly smile to Morgan's face.
As she sat down at the end near the 1st year's who were looking at her with something akin to honour, disbelief and awe.
She was highly amused.
"Peverell Ignotus"
Was called out much to the surprise of others.
As Notus strutted up as soon as the hat touched his head it yelled the same result as Morgana.
Again it seemed Slytherin's lost all of their decorum much to the amusement of others.
As soon as he sat down next to Morgana he gave her a kiss on the cheek.
As the feast began the couple conversed with the 1st years, much to the shock of others.
Many could see Morgana mothering them while her husband looked at her as if she was a goddess.
"Oh look at how cute they are darling!"
Notus chuckled.
"Yes my love they are quite adorable."
He replied lovingly.
While they were conversing whispering sweet little nothing into the others ear, down the table 5 Slytherin's looked anything but pleased.
"Really Arcturus! Do you know what you have done! My family will have my head! You said they were mudbloods!!" Whisper yelled Abraxas Malfoy to Arcturus Black.
Arcturus paled.
He was not aware of their stature, if he was he would have never had said such a thing. Now he was afraid he doomed him and his friends.
"I thought they were! Do you think I would have reacted that way if that wasn't the case Brax?'"
"No of course not, but you should have thought about that before you doomed us!"
"Yes Abraxas is right Arcturus if they so wish it be, they could drag our names through the dirt!" Whispered Evan Rosier.
"Look I'm sorry okay but what am I supposed to do."
"Well we don't know Arcturus, now how are we going to respond to our parents when they most likely send us letters saying to make an alliance with them!?" Stated Prudence Parkinson.
"Shit. I did wonder why they moved out so quickly, they new this was going to happen." Stated Arias Zabini.
"What do you mean Arias?" Questioned Abraxas.
"Think about it. They had power more so than all of us seeing their names are infamous, so why on earth would they leave without an argument? Or at least to state names?"
That's when it clicked.
"They knew the sorting would do it for them."
Exclaimed an obviously tired Abraxas.
As they looked back to the young married couple they saw them parenting some first years.
It was all a show in the Slytherin's minds.
That was proven partially correct when Morgana looked up and smirked at them for a quick second they thought they would have imagined it had the others in the group not seen it.
There was one thing they were positive about.
Do not mess with the Peverell's.

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