The Last Human

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Ghilliecamos stories a Man in a Beasts World gave me inspiration to do this. I will try to stick to my own story line but if you notice me moving over into his please let me know. Anyway on with the show.

Here we go again. Another convoy of fucking furriest drove through the empty city. I watched from a safe place as I wait for them to disappear.

"Motherfuckers. Still trying to locate anymore humans. Makes me sick" I said to myself as I continue to scavenge the grocery store I usually come and raid.

Before the war humanity lived peaceful lives. But when the war started humanity was quickly forced to retreat. I didn't retreat. I stayed behind and hidden. I've no family here with me. Been alone for twenty years now. Though I'm about 20 already. The war started when I was one year old. And now with my birthday coming up soon I would like to see the fall of the furries.

I quickly finished packing up my bag and quickly grabbed my AS50 sniper rifle and slowly started my trek back to my bunker. I checked my gas mask to make sure it was still in place.

There was a sudden sound in the air. I paused and listened. Shit chopper. Then came more. Fuck my life.

I looked around and found an intact building and quickly ran inside readying for a fight or flight situation. I watched as the chopper came into view. It was a Blackhawk but made bigger. I pulled my binoculars out and surveyed the crew inside. Two pilots, two gunners, three grunts, a juggernaut, and a sniper.



I quickly ducked back into the building my heart pounding. Fucking hell. I grabbed my bag and ran deeper into the building hearing the chopper land.

'Fuck me'

I looked around and found a place to hide. I quickly crawled underneath and checked my weapons. Ready for a fight.

*Tyla P.O.V*

Ugh, arieal patrol was so boring. It was the same thing every day. Join your squad on the Helo and go fly around for a few hours. Well, I guess it's better than staying at base.

"So Misti got your eye on anyone?" I heard Sandra ask.

"Nah, guys are so perverted. But at least these patrols give me time to relax."

I chuckled. The only thing that relaxed me was sniping some poor human bastard. I looked through my scope as we came around a building and I saw it. A human looking right at us. I aimed down at him and pulled the trigger


My Barrett 50 Caliber rifle sounded out. I watched the round kick up dirt.

'Shit to low.'

It then disappeared into the building.


"Copy that. Command this is Razor 0-1 got a tally on an enemy."

"Roger that Razor. Release Delta to capture the human alive" command said.

"Copy that. Alright ladies happy hunting" the pilot said hovering a foot above ground no doubt going to go on overwatch.

I placed my rifle on my back and pulled out my side arm. Sandra placed her helmet back on and picked up one of the mini guns from the door and crouched down staying away from the spinning blades.

Next Misti jumped down and readied her AK. Slowly joining with and Sandra. Finally Erica and Yazim jumped out readying their shotguns.

"Forward" came Yazims command.

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