Delta team pt2

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*Erica P.O.V*

"This is the best birthday present ever" ??? said as we followed him.

I never trusted humans. Always taking down ten furs before being killed themselves. But ??? his survived multiple patrols how much luck does he have.

"Hey, Erica you awake?" I heard Misti said.

"Y-yeah" was my reply.

My gaze fell back on ??? as he and Tyla sighted in tangos. I looked at the grenades on his back. Hmm, maybe if I try to...

"I wouldn't do that."

Huh, I looked up and saw him staring at me as well as the others. Then I noticed were my hand was. I gently released the pin that was still in the grenade. He glared at me until I backed away from him.


"That's alright. But don't try that again you may not like what will happen next."

He turned back around and looked through his scope.

"Are you fucking insane" Yazim silently yelled at me.

My ears drooped as I watched the human.

*Tyla P.O.V*

I can't believe Erica would try to do that. But I'm glad ??? noticed before it was too late.

"Okay, I've spotted three snipers in the towers. A soldier in the center most tower with mounted guns. As for the prison yard itself it seems that after the war he turned it from a human prison camp to a fur prison camp."

He quickly fell silent again. I could hear scribbling so someone was making notes. I looked back through my scope and marked a generator, light panels, mortar, and alarm system.

"Not the biggest prison camp but still defended well" I said.

I heard a soft chuckle. I looked and saw a smile.

"I guess the pup does know a thing or two. I've marked a captain and a lieutenant. There's about twenty well armed soldiers walking the grounds. Wait a minute. Tyla set your sights on the center of camp and tell me I'm not hallucinating" ??? said almost afraid.

I looked through the scope again and I froze. In the center of the camp. There were five furs standing around and. Wait, I zoomed in a little closer. Three wolves. One stood a good two foot above the other two. I shook my head.


"Command, this is Commandante we have visual on three wolves. Two male one female. I don't believe it his going to publicly execute them" ??? said.

"Roger that. Mission changed. Eliminate all hostile forces. Bring those three wolves back. We'll send a team to gather the rest."

"With pleasure."

*??? P.O.V*

"Yazim lead the team in. We're going to take out the snipers and gunner. Hold outside the camp until we get there."

"Copy that."

With that I heard footsteps leave. I looked at the first sniper. I had the silencer on so this was going to be fun.


A blood cloud formed. I quickly found the mounted machine gunner.


"Targets down nice shooting Tyla. Now let's go meet up with the rest."

Tyla nodded and pulled out a silenced FN P90. I sighed as I put my rifle away and pulled out my pistol. We then quickly but quietly snuck up to the camp.

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