Chapter Seventeen

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People push past me, not caring how rough they are. The sirens increase and soon they're in sight. The thought of Zayn leaving me consumes my mind, making me forget about the police. The world seems to whirl around me as I try to find which way to go.


I turn but small handfuls of people come my way, completely pushing past me. The cop cars have arrived and from the distance, it looks like 4 are parked. I quickly go in the opposite direction.


Soon, I spot Marina coming my way, Liam close behind. I don't think I've ever felt more relieved in my life to see the spunky blonde. She hurries towards me, smiling as big as ever. Pulling me behind some trees, she gives me a quick hug.

"God, you're trying to get caught aren't you? I like it. I corrupted you, you're being daring and in a stupid way." Marina jokes, giggling. I give her a smile and laugh along as much as I can manage.

"You're lucky Marina forgot her phone back on the rocks. Why haven't you left yet!?" Liam speaks once he's close enough. They both pant out of breath and Liam has a light pink lipstick on his face. That explains why I didn't find them at the race. Ignoring that, I try remain calm to answer his question.

"Well, I don't know my way around here and Zayn just left me!" I practically scream. Not only am I slightly scared, I'm pissed. I clench my fists and look around, hoping that just maybe I'll see Zayn coming to me with his motorcycle. But it never comes.

Marina and Liam share a look, seeming to have pity for me. I don't want there pity. I want to find Zayn and find out why he thought it would be okay to abandon me. After we made up, I had hopes we could be something but obviously he thinks otherwise.

Liam and Marina share a quick, and very quiet, conversation before Liam speaks up.

"Well come on, we don't wanna get caught. The last thing I want to do is spend the night in a holding cell." They give no warning as they turn and start running, getting lost with the crowd. Fuck.

Although the crowd of people might be shrinking, I still can't spot the couple. I start running in the direction I saw them go, hoping I'll be able to spot them.

Not paying attention, and it being dark with most tiki lights blown out, I collide into someone who drops a collection of beer bottles. He picks them up quickly, hanging onto me for support. Someone has obviously had a bit too much. He pushes his sweaty hair out of his eyes before looking at the police.

"'ey jackasses." He slurs, making his accent sound thicker. He shouts at the cops at full volume and throws a bottle at them. I watch in shock as it hits an officer in the side of his head that is getting out of the car. The distance was shorter than I thought between us. The glass breaks and I see him pull his hand away, blood lightly covering it.

I feel the drunks grip on my arm tighten and I look at him. His face is in horror as he realizes what he has done. He quickly pushes the bottles into my hands, dropping several. Then he takes off.
Oh no.

I feel myself freeze, my body feeling like ice as the police spot me. I have never felt more afraid for my life than I have right now. They can't think I did that or I'll be screwed. I doubt they'll believe about being in the wrong place at the wrong time. But that just seems to be my luck lately, doing stupid stuff.

I stare at the police as they check the injured officer and start coming torwards me. My brain finally registers what to do and I drop all the bottles with a clatter and run. I run faster than I ever have before, breathing deeply. Shouts are heard from behind me and I hear the pounding of feet but I don't stop. I keep going until parked cars come into view.

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