Chapter Three

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I close the front door and my mother rushes to me immediately, cupping my face in her hands.

"What took so long? Are you okay? you aren't hurt, are you? You weren't mugged like Mrs. Jenson?" my mother says, firing question after question.

"Mum," I say, placing my hand over hers, "mum I'm fine. Calm down."

She releases my face, letting out a breath of relief. She takes the pan from my hand and smiles at me. Thanking me, she walks back into the kitchen. I take my shoes off and follow her to find chicken on the table. I guess she got tired of waiting and heated up leftovers.

I grab some chicken and tell my mum goodnight. I head upstairs and change into some comfortable shorts. I flip on my small tv while I eat, but I think of only the boy I met. What was his problem? He just came up to me and argued with me and then acted all friendly? If I learned anything about him is that he's confusing.

Turning off the tv, I stand up and set the now empty plate onto my bookshelf, crawling over my bed to my window. I open it up and welcome in a cool breeze. Everything's been so stressful lately, homework, dance, friends, and now him. I hope he doesn't become a problem though. I have to juggle too many things in my life already and it's overwhelming me. I can only handle so much.

I groan, curling up underneath my covers. Maybe it was a bad idea to open my window with my bed being right under it, it's a little chilly out. Being too tired, I leave it open and try to fall asleep, beautiful brown eyes in my mind, but something hits my back. Rolling over, I search the covers for the hard object. Underneath my blanket, I find a small grey pebble. Another pebble flies through my window and hits the back of my head. I get on my knees and lookout my window. All I see in the dark night, is my backyard.

"Psst!" someone whispers loudly. I look down, afraid of who it could possibly be, and sure enough, standing under window is the mystery boy.

"What are you doing? How did you find where I live?" I whisper back, not wanting to be too loud. My eyes widen in realization on how he could of possibly found my house and I become a little freaked out. Creeping up on me is one thing, but following me home is enough. "Oh my gosh, you followed me, didn't you!?" I exclaim, looking down at him. He laughs, not making eye contact.

"I wanted to see you again and was worried you wouldn't text me." He admits shyly, hands in his pockets. He looks up at me, a small smile spreads across his face. "Can I come up?"

I look back in my room, my eyebrows drawn up in confusion. I never thought I'd have to deal with a random boy at my window. I bring my hand to my mouth, biting my nails, a nervous habit of mine. I look back down at him and a smile is still placed on his lips. He is quite good looking, that is a fact, but he followed me home. If that's not weird, I don't know what is.

"I-I don't know, I mean, you followed me home and that's beyond creepy." I say unsteadily. He sighs and looks at the ground for a moment before looking back up at me.

"I-It's okay," his voice is a little shaky as he speaks, "I wasn't expecting you to let me. I'm not a creep, I swear, you can do a background check and everything. But I don't blame you really, you're too good for me anyway. I don't know why I thought I'd stand a chance." He mumbles the last part, stuffing his hands in his pocket. He looks back up at me with a sad smile. "I guess I'll see you around."

He starts to walk away, head down. It makes feel me awful to know I made him so upset and it tugs at my heart. He doesn't seem like the kind to be soft, maybe he really meant it. Being the naive person I am, I change my mind quickly.

"Wait! Wait." He looks back at me and I can see his hopeful expression even though it's dark, "You can come up. But how would you sneak up without being noticed? Front door obviously isn't an option." I say. His expression lightens up immediately at my words.

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