Chapter Nine

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Friday night.

It came quicker than I thought possible. Just three hours before the said time that he'll pick me up, Zack texted me to let me know that he will be coming about an hour earlier than the planned time.

So now I stand in front of my closet, rummaging through all my shirts, debating on what to wear. I've been to parties, sure, but this is with a group of people I'm not familiar with.

It takes me an hour to finally narrow the few decent shirts I own down. I now have three options. One is a black tank top that I tore the back open in slits and have cut the sleeves off into a muscle tee style. My second choice is a simple dark red, almost maroon colored, crop top. My third being a black and white striped long sleeve crop top.

If I wore the white, long-sleeve to a party, I can risk sweat stains so that option is out. Debating between the two other tops, I settle on the red crop top. I pull on a pair of black jean shorts and my black boots again. I do my make up simple and because I have a obsession with lipstick, I apply a light layer of red to my pale, pink lips. Finishing off the look, I leave my hair in its wavy mess.

It's been another half hour and I decided to just pass the remaining time by going on my phone. Too soon, Zack texts me and I hurry down the steps. I grab my leather jacket off the hook near the door and leave. I already warned my parents I'm going out with some friends, but it doesn't matter, they're working anyway.

I meet Zack in my driveway, his motorcycle already running. He gives me a flirtatious smile and eyes my body, yet again, and I ignore the butterflies in my stomach as I hop on the open seat behind him.

The sun is already setting as we drive to his friend,Vinnie's, house. Pulling onto the street, I can already hear the music and we aren't even by the house yet. All the houses are huge. making mine seem like a joke. The further we drive, the clearer the house becomes. Cars and motorcycles line the streets and pack the drive, some even parked on the lawn. Already there are the occasional drunken figures passed out in the lawn. Zack parks his motorcycle farther away from the house, claiming there'll be less of a chance of someone vomiting on it. The closer we get to Vinnie's, the more anxious I become and I guess it's obvious.

"You okay there Jo? Not nervous are you?" Zack jeers, laughing. I manage a small smile and run my sweaty hand through my hair.

"I guess you can say that," I reply, uneasily. He looks over at me with a confused look as if asking me to explain. I sigh and answer, hesitating. "Like, what will they think of me? I don't even know these people, what if they're all judgmental assholes like you?"

I look over and give him a big grin, laughing. Zack tries to hold back a laugh, but once he looks over at me, he breaks. He chuckles and places his hand on the lower part of my back. "Ah, you'll be fine. They are all judgmental assholes, but they're probably drunk already so they won't remember. Besides, you look hot."

He lowers his hand and pinches my bum, laughing even harder. I hit him in the arm roughly, but he brushes it off and hooks his arm around my shoulder, drawing me closer to his body.

"I'm just preparing you for when we walk in. Some of these guys can be dikes and will touch you like that. especially if they are downright wasted." He explains as if it's the most normal thing ever.

"Well thanks, I think?"

"Anything for my Josie" I shoot a glare up a him, but he doesn't seem to notice.

We walk up the front path to the mansion and step through. The stench of smoke, vomit, alcohol, weed, and who knows what else has already engulfed the house. I gag a little as a girl who looks like she belongs in a strip club passes me with a cigarette in her hand.

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