Part 5

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Abbreviations: (y/n) = your name. (l/n) = last name. (f/v) = favourite. (f/c) = favourite colour. (f/p) = favourite pokemon. (h/c) = hair colour. (h/l) = hair length. (e/c) = eye colour. (b/n) = boyfriends name.


-Your P.O.V-

You had to go to school the next day. You still had concussion deep in your brain, the unbearable pain-splitting headache got worse each second. In your classroom, all you could picture when someone opened the door was Clemont, with his tired eyes, pale skin and greasy hair from that day. That day you never ever want to remember ever again, never ever ever. Not at all.

"(y/n)! SIT UP AND FACE THE BOARD!" Your homeroom Teacher, Mr Akira shouted.

"Oh!! U- urm, sorry Mr. Akira!" You yelped, and sat up. Mr.Akira sighed at you, he walked down and patted your head. "I'm sorry that your friend is very ill, but that doesn't mean that you can zone out in lessons! You have your tests coming up!" He said, then he walked back to his desk.

"If Clemont was here then he'd score top in everything, I bet you." you mumbled, opening up your math book and listening to Mr. Akira's voice. It was really pointless. You could hear his voice, but you couldn't make out the words which was strange. You raised your hand up to Mr. Akira.

"(y/n)? Are you okay?" He asked you. You paused and gulped for a bit, but then you made up a brilliant excuse. "I've got a splitting headache and I've had it for a day now, I don't know if it's a migraine or concussion, but can I please go to the nurses office?" You asked him, pleadingly.

Mr. Akira sighed. "Fine, but if it's really that fatal, then pack up your books. You might be going home." You were so happy and overjoyed that when you packed up you ran up to him and hugged him. "Oh, thank you Mr. Akira! Thank you so so much!" You said happily, hugging him.

"It all depends on the nurse. She'll examine your head and see what's wrong." Mr. Akira replied to your happy words.

- Nurse's P.O.V -

I was just searching up on my computer, when a knock was at the door. "Oh! Umm...come in!" I said, as the door opened. A tired looking 14+ girl appeared. Her (h/c) hair was greasy and messy, and her (e/c) eyes were tired and there were bags under the bags of her eyes.

I could almost notice a dried up faint red stain at the right side of her brow. I was terrified of her, the poor thing. She almost reminded me of a boy that got in a fight a couple of weeks ago, but he ran out of my office. The poor thing, he must have been terrified as well....

"Oh, hello. Are you in Mr. Akira's class?" I said. She nodded. "He's my sisters son, all of the girls are drooling over him, they'll be begging to take your place." I was filing my nails, and she gripped her head and groaned. "Oh my goodness! Are you all right?!" I worried.

"I'm...okay..." She grinned at me, and covered the dried-up red stain with her hand. She looked terrible. "Let me have a look at the stain." I forced her to uncover her (fringe/sidefringe) And something horrible was there.

- Your P.O.V -

The nurse gave you her mirror and you opened it up. It was worse than you expected, there was a huge gash under it and it was very deep. Every time you touched it, a drop of blood dripped down from your cheek, it looked as if you were crying blood. You almost cried, tears swelling up in your eyes. "I didn't was that...fatal...." you whispered, then you stared crying.

"Miss! What's wrong?!" The nurse asked. You could hardly hear her with your screams and cries for help.

L e t h I m g o .....

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