Part 7

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Abbreviations: (y/n) = your name. (l/n) = last name. (f/v) = favourite. (f/c) = favourite colour. (f/p) = favourite pokemon. (h/c) = hair colour. (h/l) = hair length. (e/c) = eye colour. (b/n) = boyfriends name.

Ages: You & Clemont = 15. Bonnie = 7. Parents = whatever the hell you want.


- Your P.O.V -

All the chavs screamed. They ran away from Mr.Akira's class. The youngest chav even started to cry at the truth. You just closed your eyes and all you could hear was the chavs.

You didn't hear a single all....

Opening your eyes and looking at the window, you saw Clemont under the bus stop sign. It was raining quite heavily, and he had brought a black umbrella with him. You smirked, it was just like him to see what was going on. He must have heard the whole lie detector.

You just walked out of the classroom causally, ignoring Sophie and (b/n). "I can't believe those....would betray me like that....the....he's a pimp...she's a whore...!" You muttered under your breath, as you exited the classroom. Some of the chavs widened their eyes, like they heard what you were saying. Whatever, you didn't give a fuck.

Walking down the numerous flights of stairs tired you out, but you didn't give a fuck.

Every single little error that happened inside, triggered a switch that would make your anger uncontrollable. You wanted to get out of the school as fast as you could, because the longer you stayed, the more insane you would become. But then, you still didn't give a fuck.

Finally, you were outside. It was raining really heavily, the grey, boring clouds made it even more boring. But still...nobody cared.

You just couldn't take the pain any more. You now felt it. You punched a door in your anger. "For fucks sake!" you muttered. "So many people suffer, but all you chavs do is chip away their self-confidence!" The woman at the register wasn't there, which was good.

She would've attacked you or something, but who cares.

It's a little scary actually, the fact that you almost shattered the entrance door. You walked down the stairs, hands in your pockets, and felt the lashing rain on your face. Soon your hair was soaking wet, and your uniform was drenched. You didn't think that it was lashing today.

Perhaps the news didn't think that. But who cares. It was your fault for not bringing a coat, and if you stayed here long enough, pneumonia would sneak up on you. You walked on the unpaved path, the gravel crunched at every step you took. You looked up and cursed the heavens.

You weren't close to the bus stop, but Clemont was looking your way and raised an eyebrow.

You turned your head and saw him. You could picture the whole thing in slow motion.

"CLEMONT!" You shouted, and ran over to him. When you were at the bus stop, you hugged him.

It was such a blow that he knocked the umbrella over with shock, as it turned upside down and hit the pavement. It wasn't much longer when it started filling up with water.

- Clemont's P.O.V =

(y/n) was hugging me so hard I could barely breathe. "(y/n)....." I gasped. She was suffocating me. She looked up and she was looking into my eyes. "I can't go back there..." she cried. "All they do is treat you like crap..." She then buried her face in my chest again. I then stroked her hair, but It was soaking wet. "Hey. Your drenched. You can't go home like this, your Dad will freak. Stay at mine for a while until you warm up , you can share my umbrella." I grinned. I took the umbrella off the ground and turned it the right way around.
We both walked from the school to my house, it was quite far away and I was glad I offered her to stay for a while. She started shivering, and I put my arm around her and she gasped.

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