Part 8

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Abbreviations: (y/n) = your name. (l/n) = last name. (f/v) = favourite. (f/c) = favourite colour. (f/p) = favourite pokemon. (h/c) = hair colour. (h/l) = hair length. (e/c) = eye colour. (b/n) = boyfriends name. (hisl/n) = His last name, commonly used as:'your boyfriends last name.'. (m/n) = Moms name. (d/n) = Dad's name.

Ages: You & Clemont = 15. Bonnie = 7. Parents = whatever the hell you want.


- Your P.O.V -

Your eyes widened in fear. "No...way..." Clenching your fists, you tried to hold it in.

"WHAT THE FUCK'S GOING ON?!" You shrieked, pulling your hair. You looked in your pocket and fished your phone out. "Hello..Police? When I opened the door to my house..some corpses are here! Please come here quick!" You shouted.

"Hey, it's okay kid." a mystery man said, and patted your head. After he did, your head felt quite moist at the top. You turned around.

It was (b/n), soaked with blood. His (His colour of hair) clashed with the blood, and his eyes were still cloudy. "Hush...and let me seduce you...." He whispered. He kneeled down and kissed your neck, he was trying to give you a hickey, dammit. Making you keel over. "S..stop....We aren't going out any more." You shuddered, pushing him away.

"You hate me...don't you? You threatened that you'd mutilate me..."

"Aaah....that's right..." (b/n) smirked. He pushed you over on the ground. "I haven't forgot my promise..." A knife appeared in his hand, he clenched the handle of the blade. "Let me scar my name on your heart..." He gripped the knife with both hands, and was about to stab into you.

"Leave her alone, crook!"

The knife dropped from (b/n)'s hands and it grazed your stomach, You winced, and (b/n) fell sideways onto the pavement. His eyes didn't close, and that blank stare will always be burnt into your sight. "Sorry we took so long, kiddo." a man said. You looked up, and there was two men dressed in police uniforms. The plump, short one helped you off the ground. "Thanks." You said, wiping your school uniform. "Don't mention it." The plump police man said.

"Who the heck was that man anyway?" The other police man said. "He was like an animal!"

"That was my ex-boyfriend, (b/n) (hisl/n). After we broke up, we both found out that another guy from our class had a crush on me. He's been plotting his revenge ever since, and he even stabbed the other guy in the playground." You said, quite upset. "I never knew he was capable of this.."

"Checking the corpses, it's been examined that they were killed approximately 30 minutes ago." The detective said. The detective was quite handsome, but his hair was brown and messy. His eyes were brown and he had a stubble, though he always had a cigarette in his mouth.

"Since you were here, we gotta take you in for questioning." The other police man said.

"No way...But...that's all I know!" You shouted. They pushed you in the police car, and drove off. You looked out the police window. It was nothing but a grey, and boring afternoon. The sky was full of grey clouds, not a single patch of blue sky in sight. It was crazy felt really empty.

"Hey, it's okay kid." The detective said. "I know how you feel." You turned around to face him. "I feel? How do you know how I feel?!" You shouted. "This is way too emotional already, and you think I can do questioning?!" The police offers at the front looked up at the front mirror to see what was going on. "Pipe down kid, It's only going to be a couple of questions. I promise."

"Well, I hope it's over quickly." You sighed, and slumped down in your seat. "The sooner it's over the better, I don't want to be sent into some asylum." This was probably the worst day of your life. When they finally drove up, it didn't look like a police station. It looked more like a building of despair. "How long will I be here...? And I didn't do anything wrong!" You shouted. They walked you into the building, but with no handcuffs. You felt like dying when you walked past all those criminals in cells. They were giggling at you, raising their eyebrows and such...made you want to throw up in disgust. The policemen lead you to a small room, with a big table and two chairs on each side. "Sit down." The other policeman said, ordering you to sit on a seat. You sat down immediately. You hoped that nothing bad would happen...or even worse...jail....

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