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You woke up and got dressed for the water park. The photo below is your outer clothes.

You decided to wear a dark red bathing suit underneath (You can pick whether it's a one or two piece

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You decided to wear a dark red bathing suit underneath (You can pick whether it's a one or two piece.)

You went downstairs and your mom was nowhere to be found. You figured she was at work. You grabbed a pen and a sticky note and wrote a note for your mom saying that you were out.

You sat on your couch and waited for Killua and Gon to knock on your door. After a few minutes, your doorbell was rung. You opened the door and saw Killua standing there wearing a grey hoodie and some light green and dark green swimming trunks. You smiled and asked, "Ready?" Killua nodded and led you to a water park.

On the walk there, you looked around and asked, "Wait, where's Gon?" Killua looked at you and said, "Oh, he's already at the water park. He's just waiting on line for us to get our tickets."

You nodded and continued to walk. When you arrived, you saw Gon stretching. He was wearing dark green swimming trunks and goggles on the top of his head. When he saw you guys, he smiled and waved.

You ran up to him and gave him a big hug. He said, "Hey Y/N! Hey Killua! Here's your tickets." He handed you guys two tickets and Gon led you guys to the entrance of the park. A man stood in front of you guys and asked, "Tickets?" You all handed him your tickets and you were let in.

It was huge. There were many rides, and food stands, and even a giant bucket that filled up with water and then dumped it on top of people every five minutes! You looked around and looked back at Killua he looked you up and down and said, "You should go get changed out of your clothes."

You nodded and walked into the bathroom to get changed. After you were in your swimsuit, you walked out and Killua was in the middle of taking off his hoodie. You walked up to them and asked, "Okay, you guys ready?" They nodded and you guys decided to go on the biggest water slide in the park.

It went straight down and was open at the top, so if you looked down your head would lean you over and you would fall to your death. After you went on, you all decided to get some pizza.

You guys found a table and ate your pizza. While you were eating, a man walked up to you and asked, "Hey, are you single?" You lied and said, "No. I have a boyfriend." The man scoffed and said, "He doesn't have to know." You rolled your eyes and the man walked away.

Killua stood up and said, "I'm gonna go get some more pizza. I'll be right back." He stood up and then went the same way the man went. When Killua came back, he smelled strongly of metal, and Gon smiled at him and high-fived him.

You took a bite of your pizza and asked, "Why do you guys randomly just high-five each other?" Gon hesitated and then said, "It's a thing that we came up with before we met you!"

You wiped some tomato sauce off your cheek and said, "Okay, I guess." A woman holding a drink without the lid on walked up to you and asked, "Were you talking to my boyfriend?" You looked her and asked, "Hm? Who?"

Yandere Killua x Reader (A Killua Zoldyck Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now