I Hate You

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You woke up to an alarm going off. You slightly opened your eyes and saw Killua turning off an alarm and getting up and stretching. You sat up and rubbed your eyes. Killua smiled at you and said, "Good morning darling, how'd you sleep?" You ignored his question and asked him, "What's with the alarm?"

Killua crawled back in bed and said, "For our date. Remember? I'll be right back." Killua left the room and came back a little later holding a key. He walked over to the handcuffs on your foot, and unlocked it allowing you to stand up. You stretched and Killua said, "You should probably take a shower for our date today. Your dress is already in the bathroom."

You glared at him and walked into the bathroom to get changed. Killua claimed that Alluka had chosen it, so you figured it was gonna be something childish. You took a shower and got changed into a bright pink off the shoulder dress, with a white heart choker.

 You took a shower and got changed into a bright pink off the shoulder dress, with a white heart choker

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You could tell that a little kid picked out the dress. When you exited the bathroom, Killua wasn't there, but the same woman who gave Killua the dress yesterday. Amane, you think her name was.

Amane forcefully grabbed your hand and took you out of the room. She led you down a dark hallway, all the way to a room that was brightly lit. In the middle of the room there were candles making a pathway to a fort where you saw Killua sitting at, smiling at you. There was fairy lights hung up inside the fort, and multiple food items on the floor, on plates of course.

Amane walked you down the isle of candles and sat you down in front of Killua. Killua looked you up and down and said, "You look amazing, Y/N." You looked Killua up and down and he was wearing a suit instead of those basketball shorts and blue turtleneck with white shirt. Killua grabbed your hand and handcuffed your left hand to his right hand.

He smiled and said, "That way, I know you won't run away from me. Well go ahead and dig in." You looked at the food items on the floor and saw a large cake, a tray of cupcakes, a platter of tea sandwiches, a tray of macaroons, and a cup full on cake pops.

You looked up at him and he was eating a chocolate cupcake. You tilted your head and asked, "What's with all the dessert?" Killua shrugged his shoulders and said, "I like sweet food. Go ahead, have some. I didn't order someone to make all of this for nothing." You looked around a grabbed a white cake pop with rainbow sprinkles on the top.

You took a bite into it, and it tasted really good. You took another bite, and finished it in two bites. Killua broke the silence and asked, "So, what hobbies do you have?" You were about to take a bite into a macaroon, and you asked, "Before you kidnapped me?"

Killua stuffed his mouth with a slice of chocolate cake and said, "I don't really see it as kidnapping. I see it as making sure nobody comes between us." It was silent for a moment until you said, "I like to read and watch TV. I don't really go outside too often." Killua smiled at you and asked, "What's your favorite show?" You chuckled and said, "F/S, without a doubt."

Yandere Killua x Reader (A Killua Zoldyck Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now