The End

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You shook your head and said, "No. No I don't." Leorio stared at you in shock and Killua walked back into the room. Killua had bloodlust surrounding him, and he was staring at Leorio like he was going to kill him. Killua frowned and said, "I heard you from the other side of the door, Leorio."

Leorio stared at Killua in fear and Killua stared at the ground and said, "One..." Leorio rushed to grab his things. "Two..." Leorio ran towards the door. "Three." Leorio left the house. Killua looked over at you and calmed down. Killua smiled and said, "I knew you loved me. You refused because you wanna stay here with me. Y/N, gosh I love you."

You frowned and said, "I don't love you! I never will." Killua bent down in front of you and said, "Then why didn't you take up Leorio's offer? You had the chance to leave, but you didn't. Why?" You stared at the ground and said, "I guess it's not too bad to be with someone who actually cares about you and loves you." Killua put his hand on your cheek and said, "We have a lot more in common than you think. You'll make a great wife."


You answered the phone and heard Killua say, "Hey dear, I'm on my way home." You smiled and said, "Alright, I'll get dinner prepared. What's your favorite again?" Killua said, "Italian." You chuckled and said, "Okay. Sounds great. I'll make some lasagna."

You hung up the phone and walked to the kitchen to start preparing to cook. You fiddled with your wedding ring and smiled. You were glad you hadn't taken up Leorio's offer to leave that day. Everyone you knew and loved was dead, but you didn't care. You were with him. The one person you truly loved.

DIFFERENT ENDING (Accepting Leorio's offer to leave)

You nodded and said, "Yes, please Leorio." Leorio nodded and undid the chains tied to your legs and hands. He carried you and you two left through a window. Leorio put you in his car and drove to a police station.

When you two arrived, Leorio told the cops everything that happened and everything Killua did to you. Of course, the police believed him and pulled you into another room for questioning.

A tall man with green hair, freckles, and brown eyes walked into the room and sat across from you. He smiled at you and said, "Hello, my name is Officer Hans, and I'm here to ask you about the kidnapping." You nodded and continued to stare at the ground. Officer Hans pulled a notepad out of his back pocket and asked, "So, how did you and Killua meet?"

You hesitated and then said, "I had just moved into town with my mom. We were so happy, and everything was great. I met Killua and his best friend, Gon, while I was exploring the area." Officer Hans wrote something into his notepad and then asked, "Where is your mom? You said that you two moved together." You started to tear up and said, "Killua... He killed her. He broke into my house and killed her the same day that he kidnapped me."

Officer Hans nodded and asked, "How about your dad?" You sniffled and said, "I don't know where he is. Me and mom ran away from him because he kept spending our money on gambling and drugs." Hans stared at you and said, "I'm so sorry to hear that. I hate to ask this, but do you have any proof that Killua kidnapped you?"

You nodded and said, "My thigh... It has his initials carved into it. He also broke my legs and put a tracker here." You pointed at your abdomen. Officer Hans stood up and said, "Thank you for your time. I'll be back in a while to tell you some more about what we will do with you."

You teared up and Officer Hans left the room. You sat there for about ten minutes until he came back in and said, "You'll be staying with me, kid. Just until we can find a foster family for you." You looked up at him and said, "Thank you." He carried you to his car and he drove you to his house.

It was pretty big. It had three stories and it was mostly marble. His house had an elevator, and maids and butlers everywhere to be seen. You looked around the house in awe, for how amazing it was. Officer Hans rolled in a wheelchair from his garage and said, "Here you go. So you can move around the house. Just use the elevator to go upstairs and downstairs.

He put you into the wheelchair and it was automatic so you didn't have to worry about steering the wheels. Hans put up his jacket and you went upstairs and saw your room. It was practically giant. It had a chandelier on the top, the sheets and blankets were white, a flatscreen TV on the wall in front of your bed, with fireplace underneath the TV.

You got into bed and fell asleep quickly. You had a long day and needed some rest.


You woke up and stretched your legs. It was nice to have legs that actually worked and weren't broken anymore. Your favorite maid, Rose, walked into your room holding a smoothie bowl with granola and fruits on top of it. Rose smiled at you and said, "Good morning, Y/N." You sat up and said, "Morning, Rose. What's on the agenda today?" Rose placed the smoothie bowl on your lap and said, "Not much. Master Hans is gonna take you out today to find a foster family for you."

You nodded and said, "Alright, sounds good." Suddenly, you heard a loud glass shatter come from downstairs. Rose ran out of your room and you heard a lot of commotion coming from downstairs. You stood up and looked out the giant window in your room. You saw multiple cop cars pull up to the front of your house.

You backed up and ran out of your room and ran downstairs. In the middle of the downstairs lobby, were multiple maid and butler dead bodies. You heard a loud scream come from the kitchen, so you ran in there to see what all the noise was about. There he was, standing there covered in blood. Killua.

He looked over at you and smiled. He wiped a little bit of blood from his face and said, "Y/N... Oh, I've missed you so much, darling." You looked at the ground, and there you saw your chef's dead body. You looked back up at Killua and said, "You... killed them." Killua walked towards you and said, "Well of course I did. I had to, darling. They were trying to get in the way of our love." Suddenly, a bunch of cops walked into the kitchen, and in just a matter of seconds their dead bodies fell on the ground.

Killua picked up one of the cop's guns and said, "You're the reason for everything that happened. It's all your fault. Maybe if you just disappeared, none of this would've happened." Killua turned the gun. You shook your head and said, "Killua... No." Killua smiled and said, "I love you, Y/N. Goodbye." A loud gunshot was heard in the distance.


You felt the hard street touch your feet with each step. You made a right and walked into the cemetery. It was cold, and dark outside.

You set down a set of flowers on a grave and looked at the tombstone. It read, "Killua Zoldyck. Death by suicide."

You teared up and said, "I'm sorry, Killua. I'm sorry I couldn't save you. Maybe if I didn't take up Leorio's offer, you would still be alive. That's besides the point. Goodbye, Killua." You walked away from his tombstone, tears streaming down your face.

Yandere Killua x Reader (A Killua Zoldyck Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now