Worst Birthday Ever

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"Happy birthday, Y/N!" You woke up and saw your mom and dad holding a cake for you. The cake was white with pink frosting on the rim of it, with a big 12 in the center. You sat up and said, "Thanks mom! Thanks dad!" You blew the candles out of your cake and wished to make some new friends.

You had one or two friends, but you've always wanted a big friend group like The Losers from IT, or like the kids from The Sandlot, maybe even the kids from The Little Rascals. You ate a slice of your cake and it was strawberry flavored with strawberry chunks inside.

Your parents left your room and you stood up to get dressed to go to the mall. You decided to wear the outfit below.


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You walked out your room and went to the mall and bought more clothes than you could imagine. When you got home, you took a quick nap and woke up at around two AM.

You stood up to go get a drink of water, but then you saw your mom packing all of her stuff into a suitcase. You walked up to her and whispered, "Mom, what's going on?" Your mom put a finger over her lips and motioned towards your dad, who was sleeping on their bed. You looked on the counter and there was a pill bottle and a glass of water.

Your mom walked you into her bathroom and said, "Honey, we need to leave." You backed away from her and asked, "Leave? Why? What about dad?" Your mom put her hands on your shoulders and said, "Your dad has been spending all of our money on gambling and alcohol. We barely have any money left. I hid some away and that's how we had enough money to go shopping today for you. When I realized everything that your dad was doing, I bought a house in a place called Padokea." You stared at the ground and tried to process everything.

Your mom rubbed your arm and said, "Go pack all of your things into the suitcase that I bought you a few years ago, okay?" You nodded and ran into your room. You folded all of your clothes and put them in your suitcase, along with all of your devices. You looked around your room and it was practically empty apart from your bed, TV, dresser, a few stuffed animals, and desk.

You zipped up your suitcase and ran outside. You put your suitcase in the car truck next to your mom's and sat down in the front seat. After a while, you heard loud banging coming from inside the house and yelling.

You sat up and looked outside the car window. Your mom was running away from your dad, who was holding a metal baseball bat. Your mom ran into the car and struggled to turn the car on.

You said, "Mom, hurry up!" Your dad ran up to the car and hit the back window with the baseball bat, shattering it in the process. After he did that the car finally started up. Your mom slammed her foot on the gas and you guys were already down the street.

You looked back and took a deep breath. You looked back at the window next to you and watched your hometown fly past. Your mom smiled and said, "We did it, sweetheart. This can be a new start for us." You looked at her and weakly smiled. You stared at your feet and leaned your head on the window. Slowly, you fell asleep.

Yandere Killua x Reader (A Killua Zoldyck Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now