Say I Love You

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Killua stood up from his bed and stretched. He looked over at you and saw that you were still awake. Killua walked over to you and said, "Good morning, darling. When did you wake up?" You rolled your eyes and asked, "When did we arrive at your house?"

Killua stopped smiling and asked, "You didn't go to sleep?" You shook your head and said, "Couldn't. Not when I'm stuck in this hell hole." Killua grabbed a rag out of his drawer and said, "Well, I guess I'll just have to make you fall asleep."

You started shaking your chair and said, "No! Don't do that again!" Killua poured something into the rag and said, "It's okay sweetheart, it'll be quick." You moved your chair around a bit more and accidentally knocked it down, freeing you from the ropes around your hands and feet.

Killua looked over at you and said, "Y/N, you're only making this difficult for the both of us." You quickly stood up and got into a fighting position. Killua sighed and suddenly disappeared. You gasped and asked, "What?" Before you knew it, you were pinned down to the ground by someone.

You looked up to see who was crouching over it and it was Killua. You looked over to where he was standing previously and asked, "Wait, how did you teleport?" Killua grinned at you and said, "I told you to not resist, Y/N. Now, I guess I gotta punish you." He tied your hands up and sat you up against a wall.

Killua looked you up and down and asked, "Hmm, what do you think I should do this time?" You looked away from him and said, "Let me out." Killua lightly chuckled and then said, "I think I'm done with the bites for now. Instead... I think I'm gonna mark you instead."

Killua put his right hand up and his nails suddenly became as sharp as a blade. Killua started to write a K in your left thigh and said, "This will only hurt a little bit if you're still." You started to move around to try around and Killua said, "Stay still! I don't wanna-"

A sharp pain went throughout your thigh and Killua gasped and yelled, "Dammit Y/N!" Killua stood up and ran over to his desk next to his bed. You looked down at your thigh and saw you were quickly bleeding out of a stab wound in your thigh.

You threw your head back and clenched your teeth in pain. Killua ran back over to you holding bandages. Killua wrapped the bandages around your thigh and said, "I told you to be careful, darling. I didn't wanna hurt you." You looked down at him and asked, "Why? Why did you do that?"

Killua put the bandages away and said, "To show that you're mine, and you'll stay mine for as long as needed." Killua bent back down in front of you and said, "Guess we'll have to do this again, but on the other thigh. Don't move around this time."

You closed your eyes and felt Killua drag his nail through your thigh. When you opened back up your eyes you saw K.Z carved into your thigh. Killua smiled at you and asked, "Do you like it? It's my masterpiece." You stood silent and Killua stood up and said, "Stand up, if you even can." Killua lightly chuckled at his comment and you slowly stood up.

Killua grabbed you by your arm and sat you down against the leg of his bed post. He grabbed a pair of handcuffs from under his bed and attached your left hand to his bedpost leg with the handcuffs. Killua smiled at you and said, "There, now I know you can't escape me. I'll be right back."

Killua stood up and walked out of his room. While he was gone you looked around the room for anything you could use to help you get out. You saw a dresser with, a glass vase with a single dead white flower in it, a giant chocolate robot box, two yo-yos, a taser, and a framed photo of Gon, Killua, and some random girl you didn't know.

Killua walked back through the door holding a plate of scrambled eggs and bacon. He walked over to you and set the plane down in front of you. He smiled at you and said, "Eat up, darling." You slowly looked up at him and said, "Please... Please let me go, Killua."

Yandere Killua x Reader (A Killua Zoldyck Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now