home depot

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bald girl's POV

It was a beautiful Saturday morning and I was standing in the light fixtures aisle of Home Depot, looking at lamps while listening to my house by flo rida through my tangled earbuds.

I was wearing my thrifted prison jumpsuit and my signature shiny shaved head. I looked beautiful.

I'd finally found a cool lamp when my intuition told me that someone was looking at me. I immediately snapped my head around with my eyes wide to scare whoever was watching me. But when I saw him, he was beautiful.

Hold on, were my eyes blurry? Why was I seeing 2? Wait, there were 2 guys. Identical, but one was more beautiful than the other. The one who caught my eye was wearing a black suit and the other one was wearing a flannel, jeans and a tool belt. He was still gorgeous but looked a little more inbred than the other. Suddenly the prettier one walked over to me.

"Hey princess," he said casually. "I'm Drew. What's your name?" My fight or flight was triggered so I kicked him in the throat and ran to the bathroom. I wondered why those twins were trying to talk to me.

Drew's POV

Seeing that strange, bald girl with the orange jumpsuit sparked a desire in me that I'd never felt before. I looked over at my musty simple henchman brother, Jonathan and knew that I could have her all to myself.

Jonathan's POV

I knew what my brother was thinking. Just because he's the daddy dom mafia boss brother and I'm just his simpleton assistant for his mafia empire doesn't mean that I don't have a heart or a brain. I'm in love with whoever that bald girl is.

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