fixer upper

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bald girl's pov

i watched the strange twins walk away from me and disappear behind the doors. they left me alone in this giant warehouse room inside of my human cage. why did i agree to come with them? like i kinda expected some conversation or something cuz this was way more boring than i imagined. i looked around the room before i realized that the property brothers had clipped a hamster bottle to the inside of the bars. i ferociously sipped the warm water down until it was empty, leaving a dusty, metallic taste in my mouth.

drew's pov

my ugly henchman brother and i entered our office, and we both sat down at our desks. i made a paper airplane and waited for my call. i threw it at jonathan and it hit his bare eyeball. this was the worst day of my life. sitting in this sweaty, makeshift office was torture for me. the revolting stench of my brother was overwhelming, and i resented him for that. the poor guy tried to cover his awful hygiene with axe body spray, but it made him smell even more foul. i wanted nothing more than to get out of this place and build something again. suddenly both my and johnny's desk phone rang.

"property brothers," johnathan said as he studied his fingernails. he looked over at me and rolled his eyes. he covered the mouthpiece of the phone and mouthed the word "gaines" at me, and i knew that they were here. i got up from my desk and began to march out the doors and down the hall to greet them.

on my way i passed the prisoner in her cage. her head followed along as i stormed past her and over to the heavy double doors. it was chip and joanna gaines. ya know like from fixer upper

before i could even greet them, joanna gaines pointed a gun at my chest and backed me into the wall. "where the hell is my shiplap?" she demanded. "i'm nothing without my shiplap. my viewers are craving it!" chip cowered in the corner as she went on yelling.

"joanna, i need you to calm down. i'll have it for you next week". i snapped my fingers and johnathan immediately barreled toward them. the sound of his heavy bare feet slapped against the cold warehouse floors. before he could sink his teeth into them, they slipped out the door and shut it just in time.

"jesus. i can't get any goddamn peace around here," i said to myself.

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⏰ Last updated: May 05 ⏰

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