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The Great Hall was buzzing with excitement as people flooded in. The first years chatted excitedly together and held their schedules up. The older students did the same, only with less energy.

"You've got to be fucking kidding me," Dessa huffed. "Transfiguration with the Slytherins first thing? I might drop myself into the Black Lake." She slammed the slip of parchment down on the table and looked at Adeline.

"Please tell me someone has Astronomy. Its with the Ravenclaws and I don't want to be alone." Nina looked desperately at her friends, clutching her schedule to her chest.

"I do," Adeline yawned. She had already looked over hers three times, making sure everything clicked in her head. Isaac grumbled as Nina tugged his schedule from his hands.

"You don't have Potions?" She read over his classes, passing it to Dessa.

"No, Snape totally had it in for me last year. But I have Herbology," he said. A smile had spread onto his lips as he spoke, a calmness filling his body.

"We all have our favorite classes, except Adeline's is with the snakes," Dessa smirked, nudging the girl next to her. Adeline tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and rested her chin on her hand. Her eyelids were heavy as she tapped the silver plate with her fork. The four sat in silence as the volume died down.

Kids began to leave, walking quickly out of the Hall. "Imagine behind excited for classes," Nina sighed. She pulled her hair into a low ponytail and leaned on the table. "I say we skip and stay in our dorm." Dessa shook her head and pushed herself off of her seat.

"No, we can't do that," she said, pulling Adeline up by her arm. She brushed off Adeline's robe and threw an arm over her shoulders. "This first class is the one class all four of us have together so let's not miss it." Her eyes were narrowed at Nina. In a moment, everyone was standing. Isaac huffed and pulled his bag onto his shoulder.

"I don't like you when we're here," he said to Dessa, pushing her head down as he walked past her. He was the first one into to enter the corridor, the three girls close behind him. They navigated their way through the crowded hall to McGonagall's class. Adeline gripped her bag, following closely behind Nina who had a hold of Dessa's wrist.

When they finally made it to the classroom, several Slytherins had already chosen seats. Their glares were stuck on the Hufflepuffs as they entered, knowing full well some of them are friends. It's all about image.

Nina sat with Adeline, the other two at the table behind them. Adeline felt something hit the back of her head, making her whip around. Dessa smiled widely before leaning over the desk. "Malfoy and his gang are diagonal from us. Don't do anything he can insult us for," she whispered, nodding toward the platinum blond. Adeline nodded and turned to the front, pulling a book out.

She kept her eyes peeled for McGonagall. This was the one class she really ever missed and since first year, McGonagall has been one of the only consistent things in her life.

McGonagall passed her, a breeze of air hitting her. "Welcome back," the woman said. She laid a book down on her desk and looked out, flashing a smile briefly. "This year you are sixth years. Your N.E.W.Ts are your focus in my class." Her voice echoed in the room, everyone had shut up once she entered the room.

"This year you will be partnered with someone from the opposite house." Groans left everyone's mouths. Nina looked at Adeline, an annoyed look on her tanned face. "No complaining. You will comply. Failure to do so will result in a bad mark in this class, am I understood?" She watched the class as everyone got quiet once more. "Good. I will call out last names and you will sit with your partner."

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