s i x t e e n

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I could hardly focus on Draco as he spoke to us in the common room. Nothing he said was being processed in my head. Nothing made sense.

I pushed myself off the couch and looked at him. "I need a breather," I said, "I'll be back when I feel like coming back."

Blaise stared at me as I walked out of the room and I could hear the furious whispers between Draco and Theodore. I didn't care. Nothing, and I mean nothing, mattered anymore.





I slammed the door to an empty classroom behind me and leaned against a desk, staring down at my feet. I took a deep breath and looked up. A mirror was propped up against the wall and I stared at myself in it, hating every aspect of what I saw.

My eyes went down to my arm. Soon I knew I wouldn't even be able to bear looking at it.

I looked back at the mirror, a new figure in the background. I squinted, the outline of a human startling me.

"If I knew you'd be here I would've brought my failed potions homework."

Her voice rang in my ears and I spun around to face her.

"Failed?" I questioned, tilting my head.


She smiled at me and took two steps toward me.

"Are you alright?" she said. "You look, and I don't mean this as a bitch but, you look rough."

I nodded at her and crossed my arms across my chest. "I'm great." Lie.

Adeline took the liberty of sitting on the desk right beside me, her hand brushing mine slightly. She huffed and leaned back on her hands, looking at the ceiling. I caught myself staring at her, the way her hair fell perfectly. The way she looked.

Something in me longed for her.

She finally looked back at me and smirked. "Got something to say?" she joked. She kept her eyes on mine and her head tilted to the side. I swallowed thickly and debated in my head.

I could answer honestly, or, I could lie to her.

Blaise would hate me.

I'd hate myself.

"Yeah, I do actually," I said. My calmness carried through my tone and I tried to keep the same energy I've always held around her.

Strong and Confident.

Adeline furrowed her eyes brows and shifted on the desk, crossing her legs and leaning forward. Her face was now closer to mine and her hands were inches away. I still stood next to the table, though. But there she was, so close.

I took a deep breath and convinced myself now was time. "Listen, I don't know how to put this into words but I think," I trailed off, "I think I like you."

I could see the confusing building in her eyes as she opened her mouth. "I mean, yeah I hope so otherwise why have you been meeting with me." I could see her brain working.

I knew she knew what I meant.

"No. I.."

I leaned closer to her.

"I think I'm.."

She leaned closer too.

"Falling in love with you." My voice was a whisper now and I kept leaning closer, my lips inches from hers. I put my hand on her leg and I could just hear a symphony blaring as I got closer.

My heart pounded and my chest filled with butterflies as I felt her hand go to the side of my face.

We were so close, now was our time.

Until the door flew open.

Adeline dropped her hand and I stepped away from her. She quietly summoned a piece of paper and leaned over it as the person walked in.

Theodore and Draco stared at us and I glared at them. "What the bloody hell do you want?" I asked, rolling my eyes.

"We wanted to know where you fucking went."

Adeline looked up, and I tried to mask the obvious look in her eyes with my own word.

"I'm helping someone with work, can't you see that?" I asked. "Or are you too stupid to recognize it?"

Draco flipped us off and slammed the door in rage. I turned back to Adeline and sighed.

Before I could open my mouth to say anything, her hands were on my face and her lips were on mine.

I felt myself melt and my arm snake around her waist. My eyes shut and my heart exploded. Butterflies flooded my entire body and I felt like I was floating. I was encased by her and my head hummed a sweet melody.

I pulled away first, and she smiled at me. Her face was a shade of pink and her eyes were radiating happiness.

"Is or just me or is everything starting to make sense?" she mumbled.

"It's definitely not just you."

I'm not sure how long we sat with each other. I stared in her eyes and couldn't focus on anything but her. I slowly took her hand in mine and drew circles on the top of her hand with my thumb.

"I think we can agree not to tell anyone about this?" I kept my voice low and looked down at our hands.

She nodded at me and ran a hand through her hair. "So like," she started, "What is this?" I smirked at her and leaned closer.

"Want to be my girlfriend?" Her face grew a darker shade of pink and her eyes widened.

"Ye- yeah! I mean-" She cleared her throat and sat up straighter. "Yeah, sure." She couldn't hide her smile though, and I'm almost certain I knew how she felt inside.

I looked over at the large wooden clock and huffed. "I should go now, I've left Blaise with them alone for too long."

Adeline frowned and jumped off the desk, looking at me. "And I take it you're not staying tomorrow?"

All I could do was shake my head at her and look away. I felt her arms wrap around me and her chin rested on my shoulder. I let myself relax and smiled to myself.

I have never smiled this many times in my entire life.

"Seriously, Adeline, I have to go."

She let go and stepped back to stare at my face. It felt like no time was passing and I didn't want to leave this room. I knew the next time I saw her I'd be different and I hated it.

I walked toward her and kissed her again before finally turning my back on her and leaving. As soon as I was in the corridor I wanted to turn back, but I didn't. I kept going.

But now, living wasn't so bad. Not now that I know what I want. And not now that I have it.

I made immediate eye contact with Blaise but tried my best to hide what I felt. I sat next to him and listened to Nott ramble on about his excitement.

In the back of my mind, though, she was smiling and keeping me sane. That's how I knew I'd survive break.

Because now I had something to live for.

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