t h i r t e e n

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Odessa had been heavily avoiding the group. Adeline tried to confront her in the dorm one night and Dessa ignored her, even though they were in similar situations. She was quiet in transfiguration as well, barely saying a single word.

Adeline looked over her shoulder at Dessa. Her face was hidden by her hands and Draco stared at her not saying a word.

"What's up with her?" Pansy mumbled, looking over her own shoulder. "Usually she doesn't shut up."

"I'm not sure," Adeline said. She stared at her hands, listening for Dessa's voice in hopes that she'd start talking. She was worried that she would stop talking to everyone simply because of the Amortentia she smelled.

Adeline zoned out and tried to ignore everyone around her. She just wanted to get lost and never be found. If Dessa was worried, should she be worried? Would they be able to figure out who she smelled?

Voices echoed around her and the room felt empty as she went deeper into her own thoughts, risking the chances of drowning in them. She imagined what her friends would say if they knew she meets with Pansy. What they'd say if they knew everything. Her heart raced as they reacted the same in every scenario, angry and disgusted. She fought with everything in her to make them see it as a good thing, not a bad thing. But they insulted her, yelled at her, about things she couldn't even wrap her head around.

She couldn't grasp where she was anymore, it was all a void of nothingness around her as multiple things flashed in her head at once.

She hated getting in her own head. It was the worst thing she could do and she hated losing touch with reality. She hated when the lines become so blurred that you can't tell if everything around you is real or fake. She hated it all.

Something snapped her out, though. She came to her senses, the room slowly reappearing around her at the same time as the voices. She blinked heavily, watching the people become visible again and the images in her mind slowly dissolving into nothing.

She felt something on her arm, a warm kind of touch that must've had the power to snap her out of whatever she was in. Her eyes wandered over to it, tracing the hand up to Pansy. She watched Adeline intently, biting at the inside of her cheek.

"Are you okay?" Her voice was a low whisper, her grip on Adeline's arm tightening. "I said your name three times and you didn't respond." She didn't even look around them. None of them mattered anymore.

Adeline stared at her face, heart pounding and head spinning. "I'm okay," she mumbled, "Just zoned out for a minute."

Dessa looked up behind Adeline, watching the whole exchange with narrowed eyes. She scanned the way Pansy held Adeline's arm and the way Adeline seemed flustered more than usual. Everything was falling into place and she prayed Nina couldn't see what she saw.

"We should meet later? I can't figure out this damn paper and you failed that potions assignment," Pansy said. Adeline nodded, trying to avoid eye contact with Pansy. Silence fell over them and encased them in a bubble, blocking our everyone else. Pansy's eyes stayed on Adeline as she looked down at the book in front of her. She tried to ignore the fact that she wanted to smile at the girl.

She held herself back, trying to keep her cover. She knew Draco would see if she let herself react. Everything she did was an attempt to keep Draco off her scent.

Classes seemed to take years. Pansy waited anxiously for the time she could talk to Blaise in her dorm.

She had been thinking all day.

Thinking of herself, trying to decode everything she's ever thought or felt. She tried to understand herself desperately, and slowly everything was making sense. And she needed to tell someone.

She wished the days would slow down. They had two days left until break. Two. In truth, she didn't want to leave. But because of who she was, and who she was related to, she had things to do. People to meet, jobs to do, balls to attend. She hated everything about it. For once in her life, Hogwarts was more of a home than her real home.

And she didn't know what had changed.

Before this year, she counted the days to break from the beginning of the year. She was overjoyed when break arrived and she was able to be home with her friends and be completely relaxed. She used to like the excitement over hall gowns and late night parties all break. Now she wanted nothing more than to stay.

Almost as soon as the last bell rang she was out of the classroom. She walked quickly to her dorm, praying Blaise was already there.

She threw the door open and tossed her bag onto the floor. Blaise stared at her from her bed, an amused smile on his face.

"You look like you've just had a revelation," he said. Pansy dropped onto the bed next to him after locking the door, exhaling loudly.

"I have."

"Elaborate, Parkinson."

She looked at him, her shoulders tensing.

"Okay but you have to swear on your life this stays between us," she said. Her tone was deadly and the look she gave him could kill him in an instant.

"I swear." Blaise stared back at her, unfazed by her sudden change in mood. Pansy took a deep breath and stood up in front of him, her hands going to her hips.

"I've done some deep diving on myself, Blaise," she said, "And I am still slightly confused about what I've found and I want your help."

She paced the room, making eye contact with Blaise as she passed him.

"Is this about the cute Hufflepuff you've rambled about?" Blaise's lips curled into a smirk as she stopped in her tracks. "It fucking is, isn't it?"

"Possibly," she mumbled.

She breathed heavily and crossed her arms tightly. "I don't know, Blaise. I don't understand what I'm feeling."

"Pansy, just talk to me. Let the love expert help you out," Blaise said. His voice was soft as he spoke to her, he wanted to help her. He always wants to help her.

Pansy sat on the floor at his feet and stared up at him.

"I don't know, when she's around it's just like," she paused, "It's like no one else matters. The way she talks, the way she acts, her voice, everything. Blaise, I'm seeing her everywhere." Blaise smiled at her and tried to hide the expressions he made while she talked.

"I mean, I was in the courtyard with Daphne yesterday and I saw the sun start to set and there she was. And don't get me started on my Amortentia."

"You love her," Blaise said bluntly. "It's obvious."

Pansy's eyes widened at him and her face reddened. Her heart raced and her head spun.

"Try to make it obvious to her now," he said. "I can see it, I'm your best friend of course I can, but she might not notice. Do it before break, Pansy."

Pansy laid back on the floor and stared up at her ceiling. Her hands laid on her stomach as her eyes fluttered shut. In her mind there she was. A smile crept onto Pansy's lips slowly and she took a deep breath.

In the back of her mind, her scent was there.

Vanilla, floral perfume, and coconut.

a/n: not sure what to feel about this chapter but i'm happy that i can move the plot faster now that we've established the obvious lmfao anyways follow my instagram @/callofeurydice love you bye

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