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"I'm very sorry to say I don't think she's in the wrong," Dessa laughed, her head resting on the arm of the couch. The common room was quiet. All the first years had scurried off to their dorms the second the clock struck eleven. That left the older students with free reign.

"You really think I'd blow up the classroom?" Adeline sat on the floor, her back rested on Isaac's legs.

"Yes. Yes we do." He patted the top of her head as she groaned. "You could ask for help from someone, it wouldn't hurt."

"I might be getting help from someone," she blurted. Adeline dropped her head and fiddled with her fingers, her shoulders tensing. Nina looked at her from a small table, an eyebrow raised.

"From who?" The corner of her lips twitched upward, threatening a smile. Adeline looked up, her eyes revealing her.

"Oh, it's um," she stumbled over her words. "It's no one. I haven't asked yet."

"You're a horrible fucking liar," Isaac teased. She shoved herself up off the floor and pulled on her shirt.

"I'm going to bed," she said. Her voice was loud and she sounded startled. The three friends shared the same glances as she vanished into the hallway to her dorm.

Adeline dropped herself onto her bed and buried her face in her hands. You shouldn't accept her offer she repeated in her mind.

She's a Slytherin.

They'd hate you.

Still, she imagined her face when they had made the deal. Her mind was foggy as she pictured her face. A familiar feeling flooded her and she let herself fall onto her back.

But what if someone was trying to get to you?

She stared up at the ceiling, breathing slowly. She tried to keep herself calm and collected in case someone came in. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. The world spun viciously and all she could think of was the one that smelled of citrus.

A small sound alerted her. She sat up, scanning the room. A white envelope laid on her desk, the window in front of it open slightly. She rose to her feet, taking small steps toward the mystery letter.

The writing on it seemed familiar, though she couldn't figure out who it could be. She held it in her hands, sliding her fingers over the top. "Who sent you?" She mumbled to herself, flipping it over in her hands. As she was going to open it, the door swung open.

Adeline spun around, holding the letter behind her back. Dessa stood in the doorway, her hands in her pockets. "You okay, Ad?" Her eyes looked over every inch of her face, a slightly worried expression on her face.

"I'm fine," she said. Her hands slid the letter into the waistband of her pants and made her way to her bed. "I thought I heard something."

Dessa closed the door, the only light on them being the candles that sat on the desks. A slight breeze blew in from the open window, sending chill through the room. The girls looked at each other in silence, letting it take control.

"Okay." Dessa walked toward her own bed, pulling her sweater off. "I wonder where the other girls are." She nodded toward the two empty beds as she slipped a t-shirt on. Adeline didn't answer, her thoughts on the envelope hidden behind her. "Well, goodnight. Don't stay up too late, you're a bloody nightmare to wake up."

She pulled the blanket over her shoulders and closed her eyes. Adeline remained in her position, waiting to pull out the letter. Fear that it had been from Pansy overtook her. If one of them found it, they'd never forgive her for it. But she worried it could be from someone else.

Her hands found the paper and laid it on her mattress. Her back faced the door as she opened it slowly, trying to reduce the sound it may make. Her eyes darted between Dessa's figure and her hands as it ripped open. She took deep breaths, sliding the paper out and unfolding it.

The handwriting was totally unfamiliar and almost unreadable, most of the paper covered in scribbles. She squinted at it, holding it up to light in an attempt to read what had been sent.

Adeline Howard,
  My apologies for writing late at night but I felt the urgent need to get everything on paper. I've seen you in the corridors and in classes, and I can't help but think about you. I know we never hung out or got together, but I do wish we had.
  You've been on my fucking mind since the end of third year and I need to talk with you in person. Please meet me sometime, I have some things I need to say to you. I hope this letter isn't written in vain and you accept the invite to see me in the library in the near future.
Theodore Nott

She held it tight in her hand, looking away from the words written for her. Something in her had instantly rejected them instantly. Something in her felt odd about it. Adeline let a sigh out and tore it in half, tossing it into her trunk. Her head spun as the words echoed in her brain. She tried to think of something else, placing her palms over her eyes. Avoid the library.

The sun rose and soon Dessa was shaking Adeline awake. Her hands were cold on Adeline's shoulders as she jolted awake.

"Nina went down to breakfast already," she said. "I told her I'd wait for you." Her hair was tied in a ponytail, she had obviously been up for a while. Dessa tossed clothes at the girl and patted her on the head. "Go on, get dressed."

"You're not my mum," Adeline groaned as she grabbed at the clothes.

"No, thank Merlin I don't have you raise you," she chuckled, making her way to the door. "I'll see you down there."

Adeline took her time getting ready. She had no desire to see everyone, let alone Theodore. She had barely slept all night and had made herself uncomfortable thinking about him confronting her.

She slowly walked to the Great Hall, taking her seat next to Nina. She tried to drown out the noise of the students with her hands, covering her ears and looking at Dessa. Her eyes were tired and she visibly had no energy. Dessa nudged Isaac, getting him to look at her, before looking around the room.

Theodore Nott watched her, ignoring his friends. His eyes shifted to Dessa, holding the eye contact. She glared at him, shooting fear into him and causing him to look away.

Another envelope landed in front of Adeline, catching her attention. She looked down at it, anxious about who sent it. The writing was different this time, but too similar to get her hopes up. She opened it quickly, trying to keep it in secret. The letter was short, the writing much more pleasant to read than Theordore's. She read it over and over again, trying to make sense of it.

Empty classroom on the second floor, 7:30

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