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The day dragged on slowly, everyone excited for the weekend and a break from classes. Adeline walked from class to class. Transfiguration had been uneventful. She helped Pansy with a simple spell and received praise from McGonagall. Draco and Dessa argued behind them and ignored each other when the bell had rung.

Adeline had been thinking about her letter all day, wondering if it had been sent by who she thinks. Trying to figure out why she had felt a surge of energy flush through her when she read it the first time. Why had her heartbeat increased?

A person came up behind her, throwing their hands onto her shoulders. She tensed up and whipped her head around. Dessa smiled widely at her, a pink blush on her cheeks. "Who'd you meet?" Adeline smiled at her.

Dessa let a sigh out, closing her eyes and began pulling Adeline to the wall. "I saw the most wonderful people," she breathed out. "Both of them were gorgeous, Adeline." Her hand went to her chest as she exaggerated her breathing.

"Dessa calm yourself. Who were they?"

"Well the girl was a Ravenclaw. Her hair was so fucking nice and I just want to run my hands through it," her voice trailed off, meeting Adeline's glare. "And the boy, he was a Hufflepuff. Curly hair, perfect."

Adeline kept her smile, placing her hands on Dessa's shoulders. "Then talk to these perfect people." Dessa widened her eyes and clutched Adeline's wrists.

"Are you insane? No. I can't let them know I'm interested," she gasped. "I'll let them find me."

Adeline shook her head and dropped her hands. The crowd in the corridor thinned out as they talked. Dessa leaned against the wall as Adeline looked at her. "I told Isaac I'd meet him in the library, wanna come?" Adeline looked away from her, grabbing the strap on her bag.

"Not today, I'm gonna go to the common room," she said quickly. Dessa glanced at her.

"You okay? You've been off the last few days."

Dessa knew when Adeline was lying. Most people could tell but Dessa knew her too well. She had watched her, studied her mannerisms when lying, now being able to identify exactly when she was lying.

"I'm fine."

"You're lying to me, Adeline."

The girls stared at each other. Dessa's eyes softened when Adeline turned away from her. Her hand raised toward her shoulder, hesitating slightly. When her hand made contact, Adeline looked over her shoulder. "I wont press you for any information," Dessa mumbled. "But know you can talk to me. I won't tell Nina or Isaac if you don't want me to."

Her hand slid off the girl's shoulder and she walked away, looking back at Adeline before disappearing around the corner.

Adeline sighed and took off for the Hufflepuff dorms. Her head began spinning again and she quickened her pace. She knew she couldn't lie to Dessa but she feared opening up about meeting with a Slytherin. She clutched the note in her palm, concealing it completely.


Empty classroom

She couldn't stop thinking about it. It controlled her the entire day and she almost told everyone about it. The common room was empty and silent, her footsteps echoing on the stone floor.

She fell onto her bed and held the note out in front of her face. Her thoughts had jumbled into one cloud of things as she analyzed it more and more. The writing was neat and the paper had been ripped nicely, like the person had put thought into the small note. Somewhere, in the back of Adeline's mind, she was excited to talk with Pansy. But another part of her told her not to go. To get help from someone else who isn't a Slytherin and ignore Pansy Parkinson all together.

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