Chapter Twenty Six: Packing Talk

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Chapter Twenty Six: Packing Talk


Zoe had come up to London to help me pack and along with her came Louise and Darcy.  Carrie had gone out to get some lunch while the three of us of chatted and Darcy ran around like a mad woman, I blame Zoe for giving her some sherbet behind Louise's back. A hyper Darcy was amusing. I was currently lounging on my bed with Darcy lying next to me holding a doll.

"Darcy, I think I'm going to miss you most of all."

She put down her doll and threw herself at me, I caught her and squeezed her tight before placing a kiss on her forehead which made her squeal and squirm in my arms. I laughed and held onto her.


Louise popped her head around my bedroom door and took in the scene in front of her before bursting into laughter and joining in and started tickling me. I let go of Darcy and tried to get out of Louise's grasp but I was trapped. Darcy jumped off the bed and started clapping which made Zoe also pop her head around the door.

"Sister help me."

I pleaded with my eyes and Zoe rolled hers and smirked before wrapping her arms around her chest.

"I don't know little sis, I think you deserve this tickle attack. Don't you too Darcy?"

Darcy nodded and her little blonde curls bounced on her shoulders as she ran into Zoe's open arms. Zoe picked her up and swung her around before carrying her away from Louise and me.

Louise got off me and we lay side by side on the bed both gasping for air. I loved Louise and was happy that she'd come up to help me because I didn't get to spend enough time with her.

"When are you going to go back to having pink hair chummie?"

I shrugged my shoulders and twirled my purple hair around my finger.

"I don't know, pink is the old me, blue was the in between me and purple is the new me. Maybe one day Louise and you'll be the first one to know."

I rolled over and hugged my best friend and surrogate big sister.

"Get off me Sugg, we have some packing to do."

Louise flipped me off her and she climbed off my bed and straightened her skirt and blouse before grabbing my hand and also pulling me up with her. I brushed some creases out of my tank top but it was no use, I would forever have creased clothes because I hated ironing. If Caspar and Joe thought for a second that I was going to iron and clean for them then they had another thing coming.

"Let's go see if Carrie is back, I'm starving."

We walked side by side out of my half empty bedroom and entered the kitchen area where Darcy was perched on a counter while Carrie unboxed a load of food. My eyes bulged and I found myself drawn to the counter, Carrie laughed and pushed me away from the food and shielded it with her arms.

"Of course the one time you appear is when you sense food."

Zoe, Louise and Darcy laughed while I blushed slightly, I had a strange sixth sense for knowing when food was nearby.

"Give me food Carrie, I'm starving."

"What's the magic word Alice?"

Carrie placed her hands on her hips and stared at me, my mouth dropped open. Was she really treating me like a child right now, the others were in fits of laughter so I did the thing that came most common to me and pouted.

"Pretty please may I have some food mother Carrie?"

Carrie beamed me a warm smile and moved away from the food. The five of us dug in and soon enough we were all stuffed and lying around the living room being unproductive. I patted my stomach and Darcy laughed at me, I stuck my tongue out at her.

Independence (Zoella/Danisnotonfire) Book 2: TTS Trilogy *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now