Chapter Three: Family Bonding

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Chapter Three: Family Bonding


I was still in a mood by the time I pulled up to Ben's. I paid the taxi driver and hopped out. I just wanted to forget everything Finn had said to me, but I couldn't shake off the comment about me telling PJ that we'd always have Brighton. I still had the pictures on my phone and laptop, was that a sign? Was I trying to tell myself that I still might have feelings for PJ?

"Looks like we have ourselves a wild daydreamer PJ."

My head snapped to the left at the mention of PJ's name. I came face to face with Chris and PJ himself, coincidence, who knows anymore.

"Mr Kendall you interrupted my deep thinking, now I don't remember what I was thinking of in the first place."

Chris chuckled and engulfed me in a hug. I was glad that we became friends because I loved Chris like a brother, what I still class Ben and Phil as older brothers to. A girl can have more than one older brother.


I pulled away from Chris at PJ's comment. Chris faked hurt just as I did. PJ laughed at our childishness, I looked him up and down before raising a single eyebrow.

"Glasses and a bow tie PJ, looks like you're a dork just like us."

"Group hug."

Before I knew it Chris pushed me and PJ close together as he squished us in a big hug. I didn't know where to look so I settled on PJ, when he saw me looking he bowed his head and smiled when he didn't think I could see. Little did he know that I saw it and it made my head hurt because I was conflicted.

"Are you guys going to continue hugging in public? Or are you guys going to come inside?"

Dean's voice bellowed down to the three of us and we all pulled away at the same time, all three of us laughing. I sent a silent thank you to Dean for breaking up the hug.

I had a sneaking suspicion that Chris was trying to make up for the time he poisoned PJ against me. Now that we were friends I could see that he just wanted two of his friends to be happy. But I had Finn and I was happy. Did PJ still have feelings for me?


I saw that Chris was doing, he was trying to push Alice and I together. He'd apologised multiple times for poisoning my mind against Alice. I forgave him, just like Alice had done. Alice was happy with Finn, I had lost.

However it had never been a competition for me as it had been for Dan and Finn, I liked Alice a lot because we clicked on so many levels. I had played the Brighton scene over a million times in my head, always with a different outcome. Yes I still had feelings for Alice Sugg.

I was happy with just having her friendship again, I knew from Chris and Ben that Alice and Finn had multiple fights though they acted like a cute couple for the camera and the fans. If Alice needed a new shoulder to cry on then I'd happily offer mine. If it led to something more than that was what fate wanted.


~Four Hours Later~

I was still wiping tears away as I climbed into the waiting taxi; I'd never laughed so much before meeting this group of extraordinary boys. We really hadn't done much work; instead we drank and joked around for an hour or two. What, everyone has a different style of brainstorming. Let's just say a majority of it would find its way onto the internet.

We might have also watched and sung along to High School Musical, what it's a good movie despite what people say. This is my childhood people.


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