Chapter 3

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   The sun started to set as we made it out of town. We followed a long, country road, hoping to make it to the next state before morning.

   April and Peggy were asleep in the backseat, Erika sitting in the passengers seat, my free hand held tightly in hers.

   "Hey, Carlie?" She asked.

   I took a quick side glance at her. "Yeah?"

   "Did you know this 'Jag' before that job?"

   I let out a slow breath. "Kind of. We'd heard of her, but she didn't really run in the same circles as we did."

   Erika nodded, looking down at our hands. "How do you know it's her?"

   "Like April said, she's the only one who'd be able to track us down. We bought that place in Venice with cash, we used fake identity's. We covered our tracks well. The only person who could've found us was someone with government connections. And the only person we know of with those connections is her." I replied.

   Erika glanced out the window, growing quiet for a minute before speaking up again. "It wasn't your fault that she got left behind. Why is she so pissed off at you?"

   I shook my head. "I don't know... But, as long as she coming for us, I don't really care. The only thing I care about is keeping you safe..."

   Erika squeezed my hand a little tighter.

   "That's a great sentiment and all, but what about the rest of us?" Peggy asked from the back seat, rubbing her eyes.

   I glanced at her through the rear view mirror. "I'm sure April can handle that."

   "What am I, her babysitter?" April asked, slowly waking up as well.

   Peggy rolled her eyes. "You know what, I can take care of myself."

   April and I chuckled. "Don't worry, we're all gonna make it out of this together." I said.

   "Well, since everyone's awake, how about we stop for some food?" Erika suggested.

   Everyone nodded their approval and we stopped at the first diner I could find.

   We grabbed a table in the back and placed our orders...

   After eating, April led everyone out to the car while I stayed behind the pay the bill.

   The waitress collected the money and walked off, throwing a wink over her shoulder.

   I chuckled and was just about to stand up when a familiar woman sat down in the chair across from me.

   "Well, fancy meeting you here." She said.

   I looked up into her eyes, then to the man standing behind her, the same man who broke into our house.

   "And here I thought you were dead." I replied.

   She smiled. "Unfortunately for you, I'm not."

   I smirked at her, slowly reaching for the revolver in my belt. "Not yet anyway."

   She smirked right back, flashing a pistol. "I suggest you keep your hands where I can see them."

   I reluctantly did so, placing my hands flat on the table in front of me. "You're quick, I'll give you that."

   "Thank you. Now, why don't you follow Clive and me outside, hm?" She asked.

   I looked to the man. "Clive, huh?"

   "What's it to you?" He replied.

   I shrugged. "Nothing really. Just nice to know your name before I kill you."

   He smirked. "Good luck."

   That's when I noticed April stepping out of the car outside, pistol drawn. 

   I looked at Jag. "So, why are you after me?"

   "Simple, the agency wants you dead, along with the rest of our little team. Now get up, I'm done wasting time." She replied.

   I nodded before quickly standing, pulling the table up with me, forcing it against Jag before making a break for the door.

   The customers yelled out as Jag opened fire, shattering the window next to me as I made it out the door.

   "Erika, start the car!" I yelled as April returned fire.

   We piled back into the car and I threw it in gear before flooring it out of the parking lot.

As we pulled further and further away from the diner, April glanced out the rear window. "No tails, we're clear." She said.

I slowed the car a little, adjusting to the speed limit. "Good."

"Was that her?" Erika asked.

I nodded.

"Were you able to get any info from her?" Peggy asked.

"Only that the CIA sent her to kill everyone that was on the team." I replied.

"So the federal government wants us dead? Fantastic." April said.

"How're we supposed to compete with the literal government?" Peggy asked.

"I don't know yet." I replied, my mind racing.

She was right, there was no way in hell we could compete with the government. They had endless resources, complete power. They could bury us and no one would ever know about it.

Erika took my hand then. "I'm scared, Carlie." She whispered.

I gently squeezed her hand. "Me to..."

   Around nightfall, we pulled into the parking lot of a motel and rented a few rooms. Peggy and Erika headed inside while April and I stood by the car.

   April folded her arms over her chest. "So, what do we do?"

   "Keep away from them for as long as possible and hope we can find a way out of this." I replied.

   "Carlie, this is the fucking government we're talking about. They won't let up." She said.

   I turned to face her. "Then we'll just have to keep running."

   She threw her arms up. "Great plan. We'll just live our lives on the run, always looking over our shoulders. That's no way to live."

   I pointed at Erika's door. "If it keeps her alive, I'll do whatever it takes."

   "And what about me and Peggy?" She asked, looking me right in the eyes.

   I stared at her for a long while before walking past her, heading into Erika's room.

   "Is everything ok?" She asked as I closed the door and locked it.

   I sat down at the little table, setting the revolver on it. "For now."

   She stood up then, taking my hands in hers. "C'mon, let's get some rest."

   I laid down next to her in bed, resting my head against hers.

   Determined to keep her safe no matter what...

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