Chapter 10

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I blew the dust off a row of old assault rifles and sub-machine guns. "These things are antiques. What the hell are we supposed to do with them?"

Fred pulled a rifle from the line, checking it's functionality. "Eugene Stoner's crowning achievement, the M16A1 assault rifle, chambered in 5.56x45 millimeter NATO. Equipped with an M203 grenade launcher, capable of hurling 40 millimeter, high explosive rounds at an effective range of three-hundred and fifty feet. These antiques will do just fine." He said, handing me the rifle before cherry-picking a variety of different weapons from the shelf in front of me.

I inspected the rifle with a raised eyebrow before helping him load up the extra guns, plenty of ammunition, and a few hand grenades just in case.

   We set the bags on the tables stacked with rockets.

   I gestured to him then. "Alright, let's see that wound."

   My uncle leaned against the table and pulled his shirt up.

   Blood leaked down his waist, but it looked like the bullet passed clean through.

   He grabbed a shotgun shell from one of the bags and ripped the plastic end off before dumping the gunpowder into the wound, grimacing the whole time.

   "What the hell are you doing?" I asked.

   He pulled a box of matches from his pocket. "Cauterizing it..."

   I flinched as he lit the gunpowder, letting out a yell as it burned its way through the wound.

   He slammed his fist on the table, breathing heavily. "Alright... C'mon, let's go find the others..."

   I slung one of the bags over my shoulder, my uncle grabbing the other one.

I pulled the door open just in time to see a literal army surrounding the building.

"Shit." I said, lifting my rifle and sending one of those high explosive grenades into the fray.

I ducked as it exploded, sending bodies in all directions.

My uncle took my place then, sending a grenade of his own before squeezing off a line of fully automatic gunfire.

He ducked back through the door as they started firing on us.

I stuck my gun around the corner, squeezing the trigger.

"There's to many of them!" My uncle yelled over the gunfire.

I looked from him to one of the rocket launchers, then to the table full of rockets.

"Cover me!" I yelled back before making a beeline for the launcher, grabbing a few rockets on my way back. "How do you use this thing?!"

My uncle dropped his rifle and grabbed the launcher, loading a rocket before placing it on his shoulder, flipping the sight up. "Stand back!"

I did so as he launched the rocket into the first group he could see, a loud explosion ringing out a second later.

He handed me the launcher before getting to his feet, charging out the door.

I dropped it before getting to my feet as well. "I definitely need one of those..."

We trudged through the snowy destruction, shooting at any movement we saw, before making our way back to the main building.

My uncle loaded a new clip before stacking up against the door. "You find the others, I'm going after the director."

I nodded, my grip tightening around the gun. "Meet back here in fifteen?"

He nodded back before kicking the door in and charging through. I split off from him, heading left down a long hallway while he went right.

I kicked open the first door I saw, interrupting a group of guards arming themselves.

The men froze, staring at me. I stared back, none of us wanting to make that first move.

Then, one of them pulled their pistol and I opened fire, dropping every guard in the room.

"To slow, boys." I said, loading a new clip before moving on to the next door.

When I charged through the next door, I saw three hooded figures tied to chairs.

"Who's there?" One of them asked.

I smiled, immediately untying her. "It's me, April."

She stood up and pulled the bag off before helping me untie Erika and Peggy.

"Took you long enough." Peggy said.

I dropped the duffel bag on the floor and unzipped it. "A 'thank you' would be nice."

She rolled her eyes. "Thank you."

I handed April an assault rifle. "The exits to the left. Get them outta here. I have to find my uncle."

She cocked the rifle, nodding. "You got it."

Erika stood in front of me then. "I'm not letting you out of my sight... Not again..."

I stood up to face her, resting my hand against her cheek. "Erika, please..."

She shook her head, folding her arms over her chest.

I let out a sigh, knowing this was an argument I wasn't going to win. "Fine... April, get Peggy outside. We'll meet you out there."

April nodded, leading Peggy out towards the exit.

Peggy stopped at the door, causing April to do the same. Then, she ran back, pulling me into a tight hug. "Don't die."

I chuckled a little. "I'll see you in a little bit."

She ran out the door then, April giving me a little smile before following her out.

I looked at the door for a second before grabbing a gun from the bag, handing it to Erika.

   She looked down at it, a bewildered expression on her face. "Carlie, I don't know how to use this thing."

I took her hand in mine, attempting to explain to her the workings of the gun. "Listen, it's easy. You're holding an MP-5 sub-machine gun. Your safety switch is right here. When you select fire, it's fully automatic, so all you have to do is hold down the trigger. When the magazine runs out, press this button to release it. Load a new one, slap the charging handle and your ready to go again. Ok?"

She looked at me, mouth slightly open. "Carlie... I don't know if I can do this..."

   "You wanted to stay, this is what it takes... I can't leave you defenseless... There's to many assholes running around out there."

   She looked down.

I rested my forehead against hers, then. "Erika... I know it's scary, but I just need you to trust me."

She let out a small sigh before nodding. "Alright... Just don't leave me on my own."

I planted a quick kiss to her lips. "Don't plan on it. Now, are you ready?"

She looked at me, then the gun, before slapping the charging handle and flipping the safety off. "No, but let's do this anyway."

I gave her shoulder a light squeeze. "Let's go kick some ass..."

Jag (GxG)Where stories live. Discover now