Chapter 9

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   When the bags were finally removed from our heads, we found ourselves in an old room. Water leaking down the concrete walls, the smell of mold in the air. Only one door stood in front of us.

   I looked over, seeing Fred tied up next to me, no one else in sight.

   "Where the hell are we?" I asked.

   "Probably some black site in the middle of nowhere."

   "Where's everyone else?"

   He shook his head. "They must've separated us..."

   I lowered my head then. "I didn't know you were the primary target..."

   He let out a sigh. "It's not your fault... I knew they'd come looking for me... I just never thought they'd use you to find me..."

   Suddenly, the door opened, Jag walking through, flanked by two men.

   "Tell me where Erika is!" I demanded.

   Jag smirked. "I hate to burst your bubble, but you're in no position to make demands."

   Then, she turned her attention to Fred. "I'm sure you're wondering why you're here."

   "It crossed my mind." He replied, staring her down.

   She took a step back, gesturing to the door. "I'll let him explain."

   Fred's eyes widened as an elderly man in a nice suit walked in. "Michael Taylor, the spook of Da Nang."

   The man chuckled. "I'm the director of the CIA now, Corporal. I suggest you remember that."

   Fred let out a harsh laugh. "So that's why I'm here... The only way you can hide your involvement is if everyone who knew you were there is dead... Given all the resources you've expended, that must make me the last one alive."

   "Bingo." The man replied.

   "Cover what up?" I asked.

   My uncle stared the man down. "February 7th, 1969. We moved into a little village outside Da Nang. Intel was the people of the village were concealing Viet Cong... Communist sympathizers... Our orders were to torch the village, that everyone there was to be considered VC... Nearly two-hundred people were killed... Every one of them was innocent..."

   He leaned back in his chair, his jaw clenching. "When news of the attack leaked, the media burned us. Called it a war crime. It was My Lai all over again... The CIA's involvement was covered up, leaving the rest of us to fry... This man right here, he's the one that gave the order. He's responsible for those deaths... And now, you're running the show. If the public ever found out about your involvement, they'd fry you. Destroy your fucking career... Isn't that right, Director?"

   The man smirked, clapping his hands together. "I told you, he knew to much."

   Jag pulled her pistol, leveling it at my uncles head. "Then, let's clear that memory of his, shall we?"

   The Director put his hand over her gun. "Not just yet. He's going to suffer first."

   My uncle smirked. "When I get out of these restraints, I'm gonna kill you."

The director laughed. "Good luck." Then, he and Jag exited to room. The remaining men closed in on us.

I gritted my teeth, clenching my bound fists. "Here we go..."

   Suddenly, my uncle broke free from his restraints.

   The two men charged him.

   My uncle dodged a punch from the first and kicked the second in the chest, sending him crashing to the floor.

   Then, he spun, grabbing his chair and breaking it across the first man's face.

   He grabbed the broken chair leg and hit the second man in the knee as he started to stand.

   I winced as my uncle plunged the broken end into the man's chest, killing him instantly.

   The first man groggily got to his feet and my uncle was behind him in a second, wrapping his arm around the man's throat.

   The man struggled for a second before a loud snap rang out through the room.

   My uncle stood over the two body's, chest heaving.

   "Jesus... Remind me not to get on your bad side." I said.

   He grabbed a pocket knife from one of the men and cut my restraints.

   I rubbed my wrists. "How'd you get free anyway?"

"Easy, just dislocated my thumb." He replied, snapping his thumb back in place.

I shook my head. "You're something else."

He grabbed the guards pistols and handed one to me. "Thanks. Now, let's go, we have to find the others."

I checked the gun before pointing it in front of me, stacking up against the door behind my uncle.

He cracked it open and peaked out before slipping past it.

I followed behind him into the hallway, it was empty, not another door in sight.

We crept down the hallway, me looking over my shoulder every few seconds.

Then, three men turned a corner in front of us.

My uncle dropped down to one knee and opened up on them, dropping the first two.

I squeezed off a few shots, killing the last one.

My uncle stood quickly. "C'mon, they'll be looking for us now."

We ran down the hallways, trying any door we came across, but they were all locked.

A shot rang out just as we turned a corner, striking my uncle in the side.

He fell to the floor as I spun around, putting a bullet in the guards head.

My uncle clutched the wound, blood leaking through his fingers. I knelt next to him. "Can you walk?"

He grunted as he got back to his feet. "Yeah, let's keep moving."

I wrapped one of his arms around my shoulder and helped him further through the building.

Eventually we came up on a door, a big exit sign above it.

We pushed through and immediately got hit by a blast of cold air, snowflakes blowing through the breeze.

We took a few steps out and looked up at the concrete building, then over to the barbed wire lined fence surrounding the compound.

"Where the hell are we?" I asked.

"Looks like an old army base... American flag must mean we're in Alaska... There's got to be an armory around here somewhere." My uncle replied, leading me over to a small concrete building a few yards away.

When we reached it, he tried the door, realizing it was locked.

"Get back." He said, pointing his gun at the lock.

I covered my ears as he pulled the trigger, blowing the lock apart.

He kicked the door in afterwards and we stepped through.

I froze as he flipped the lights on. "Holy shit..."

Racks of machine guns lined the walls, ammo crates stacked against the corner, rockets and missiles laying around on a few tables.

My uncle smirked. "This'll do just fine..."

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