Naruto grabbed three ninja stars throwing them towards Kakashi, the older male retaliated doing the same. Quickly, the blond jumped into the air dodging the attack, Chiyo watched him wide eyed seeing the improvements he had made. Putting his hands together Naruto made a shadow clone in mid air. He landed on the ground the clone he created transforming into a giant ninja star much like the one he has used years ago. Naruto began to swing his arm back to throw the weapon at Kakashi when his arm was grabbed. A hand was placed on his head restricting his movements like the first time. Chiyo and Sakura watched impressed by both Kakashi and Naruto. That's when the black haired girl spotted a kunai being pointed at Kakahi's back. There stood another Naruto. He and his clone had managed to surround Kakashi.
"He really has improved" Midnight said. Chiyo noddef silently.
"You're still impulsive" Kakashi commented a smile on his face.
"I haven't even said start yet" he stated. A quiet laugh left Chiyo's lips, this training was almost exactly like the first time they met their Sensei.
"Start" Kakashi said before he was gone leaving behind Naruto and his clones as well as Sakura and Chiyo.
"I've been had" Naruto sulked looking around.
"Right, left, above, below" Sakura thought to herself as she scanned the area. With a determined look on her face she balled her hand into a fist. Her eyed looked down at the ground below her.
"If it's none of those, then he must be below!" Sakura brought her fist down slamming it against the dirt. The ground began to shake as both Naruto and Chiyo tried their best to stay on their feet.
"She really has gotten stronger" Midnight said. Chiyo smiled, she was proud to see the pink haired girl come so far. The ground broke apart revealing a shocked and dazed Kakashi as the dust settled.
"What incredible strength" he thought to himself.
"Kakashi sensei" Sakura spoke, the man looked at her still a bit dazed.
"I found you" she smiled, Naruto and Chiyo stepped up.
"Both she and Naruto have gotten a lot stronger, I might get left behind at this point" Chiyo joked. She reached into her weapons pouch ready to fight.
Kakashi ran through the woods eventually stopping near a clearing. Both eyes visible he scanned the area, behind one tree he spotted Naruto, then behind another stood Sakura. Though he couldn't spot Chiyo.
"This is totally different from back then" he thought. Suddenly several Kunai were thrown his direction. He looked up to see Chiyo standing on a branch above him. He dodged the weapons impressed with how far his students had come. Naruto and Kakshi jumped through the air both holding kunai, their weapons collided before both landed on the ground. Chiyo and Sakura stepped forward.
"Let me teach you three something, Taijustu" Kakashi said. He ran forward trying to land an attack on Naruto. The blond dodged before jumping onto a tree branch. The male moved to the side as Chiyo three a punch, he retaliated but his attack was also dodged, suddenly, without time for him to move out of the way Chiyo swept his leg knocking him to the ground for a moment. He quickly regained his footing as Chiyo dodged another attack. She jumped onto the branch where Naruto was leaving Sakura on the ground. Sakura ran forward trying to land a hit but Kakashi was able to evade her attacks. Suddenly he hit a tree as the pink haired girl threw another punch, he moved his head out of the way causing the tree to brake. Kakashi let out a sigh of relief as Naruto created two clones. He and his clones jumped from the tree branch towards him. A barrage of clones attacked him but each one was quickly destroyed by Kakshi, one of them almost grabbed a bell but was thrown into a tree disappearing into a puff of smoke. Three more clones tried to attack Kakashi but he appeared behind them tying them up before Kakashi dove to the ground.
"That move" Midnight said,
"I've seen it before" Chiyo stated. Sakura looked on wide eyed, the clones came crashing to the ground causing the forest floor to shake, dust filled the air eventually clearing to reveal Kakashi alone.
"Now....where's the real one?" he asked looking around. The real Naruto jumped out from a bush running towards Kakashi, the male looked behind him surprised."A thousand years of Death!" Naruto yelled.
"Is he going to do what I think he's going to do" Chiyo muttered under her breath.

Chiyo's Return To The Leaf Village
FanfictionAfter two years of traveling Chiyo finally returns to her home and reunites with her friends. After a celebration her adventures to become a strong ninja continue.