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I took the spaghetti out of the oven, the whole kitchen smelled of melted cheese and hot meat. I poured myself a coffee and finally turned on the lights in the living room before sitting on the coffee table there.

My father would work late, he was the only vet in Greenwich and the neighbouring counties. He, therefore, stayed away from home most of the time. The clinic was located on a farm in the north country, it was far from town.

To the other end of the town.

Always to the other extreme.

I had finished the chores of the house, except for his room because he was supposed to be forbidden to enter there. And I allowed myself to walk by the rest of his window to look ahead.

I was bored, I had no routine, I just did whatever came to mind. Yesterday I had left a few seeds, and had extra money that I did not know what to spend.
I didn't feel like going down to town now.

I went out to fix the disasters that the rain had left, my little yellow flowers by the door had opened some buds, but also their stems were crooked. I managed with a branch and thread so that they would return to their normal position and I put all the pots on the brick wall so that the -almost rare- rays of sun peeked out from time to time between the grey clouds, would touch their green leaves.

I swept away all the water that had accumulated under the red gate, causing it to run down the path and spill onto the stones. I plucked up the overgrown grass and went to my little garden in the backyard, filling my fingers with cuts from the little spines I didn't notice from any branch. I paused until my fingertips had enough dirt and vegetation.

By the time I got back to the room, only two hours had passed. I crossed my arms grumbling, annoyed. I left the house in a hurry without even realizing that I was doing it, I took the bicycle and a scarf, starting to pedal with nothing clear in my mind. Maybe I should go to the library.


"I'll go to town," said the boy helping himself to orange juice, Mr and Mrs Wallace were in the house, helping with cleaning and walking around while his mother made breakfast. His father looked up to see him through the newspaper.

"I think it's a good idea, the moving truck will come in a while, when you come back you'll have your things here" he smiled "Some air will be good for you"

"Do you want us to join you, darling?"

"Let him go alone" she interfered before he had to refuse, which he was mentally grateful for "You can ride a bike, Mr Wallace mentioned there was one"

"Yes, I would just have to clean it there," he said as he walked towards the door, Robert got up quickly "It's in good condition it will look like ne..."

Something in his stomach churned. He didn't know how to ride a bike, he hasn't done it for so long and he wasn't sure if he would try again. Much less traversing unconventional terrain to asphalt.

"No" he almost shouted, they all turned to see him "Thank you, just, I'll be walking" his cheeks reddened a little, in the end, his parents nodded leaving him alone for now, without any question to his spontaneous idea.

After breakfast, he rushed up to his room, brushed his teeth and left his hair natural, without any spray or product on his. He painted his eyes with black eyeliner, a grey sweater, and dark pants, adding another accessory.

Before leaving he noticed his outfit, the energy with which he advanced at every step, no, it was not happiness, it was more exasperating than that. He had a hunch. He realized then, that the idea of ​​him arose from his sleepless night, thinking of that girl's eyes and the path he took before disappearing.

Would she live in town? He must know.

The journey was not very long, and it helped him to take occasional photos with his instant camera, he found beautiful landscapes, small insects of bright colours or trees with huge branches. When he was attracted to something, he just got it. He hoped to do the same with that bicycle, or with the owner of it.

He got to town faster than he expected, went back to the pizzeria and looked over and over in all directions. As he expected, the streets were full of people walking so merrily.

He walked the sidewalks, one street at a time, looking inside the premises, being surprised when he found a record store, but he did not enter, he didn't want to waste time.
In the end, after not even walking through the middle of the place, he decided to go to the square, he remained seated under the tree they guarded. He noticed its pink leaves, it didn't have a single fruit or flower on it, its trunk was light brown, with little lines running through it, it seemed so serene and majestic there in the middle.

"Tourists always end up here," said a voice, he recognized the playful tone.

He turned to meet the same boy from the library, wearing a burgundy varsity jacket, and carrying a bag of bread with both hands, the baguette spilt out of the opening and slammed against his chin as he went.

"Sometimes they give yoga classes here, it's quiet" he pointed to the sky, the structure that surrounded them was like a circle, without a roof "At night the view is better, and it fills with light there" his finger pointed to the short grass surrounding them, there were round lamps on the edges

"Sounds good" he put his camera in the backpack he was carrying and looked at the boy, he was standing a few meters from him "Didn't you work in the library?"

"Oh no, today is Saturday, my break" he nodded not knowing what else to say or do, most of the time people did not approach him to talk "Have you already gone to Boo's Salon?"

"No" he replied without understanding.

"Good" the boy smiled wide "If you don't have something to do you can come with me"

❝Just Like Heaven❞ [English]Where stories live. Discover now