Chapter Nineteen | Pit Stop

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'Does She Know That?'

New Mexico 1873

Lena and Clayton practiced some more gun-slinging that day before calling it quits. They were going to run out of bullets at this rate, and where they were headed they needed all the ammo they could retain. Besides that Clayton wanted Lena to learn how to physically defend herself. 

"Why don't we practice some self-defense?" Clayton suggested.

Lena raised her brows. "Me fight you? I don't think so. Have you seen yourself?" Clayton was tall and broad. Without a doubt she knew she was bound to lose. 

"You may be small, but they're are plenty of ways to take down a man or woman who is twice your size." He began to remove his hat and jacket. Lena was not at all interested in sparing with Clayton. She has seen enough of his muscles to be certain that he could pack a punch.

Clayton's hair and beard were beginning to grow again. His hair hung slightly over his forehead. Lena longed to run her hands through his golden strands and indulge in the silky smooth tresses. "Lena," Clayton snapped her out of her daydream.

She shook her head. "Hmm?"

"Pay attention. Last thing you want to do in a brawl is get distracted."

She nodded. Well hopefully her opponent will not be as attractive as him. Diego's face popped into her mind. Her stomach twisted. Clayton walked over to stand directly in front of her.

"Alright," he began. "Now because of your small size you're goin' have to improvise." 

"You can knee a man in the groin and he will automatically drop to your height. That's when you'd hit him."

"What about choking him out like you did Diego?"

"That requires a lot of strength. Don't ever try that on anyone bigger than you."


"You'd do better doin' just as I explained. Now. Aim for a persons nose instead of their jaw. Many men can take a punch to the jaw, but gettin' hit in the nose will cause anyone's eyes to water and temporally hinder their vision. That's when you can either get away or hit them over the head with somethin' harder like a chair, bottle, or anything heavy you can get your hands on."

Lena nodded. It sounds doable, but in the moment she may be too fearful to react. "Go ahead and strike me."

Lena looked at Clayton as if he had lost all sense. "I'm not going to hit you, Clayton."

Clayton leaned down at little bit. "Hit me in the nose. Come on." She shook her head. Clayton rolled his eyes. "Lena, you need to learn this. I'll be fine. I've been hit by much worse. Now come on. I'm sure you've wanted to hit me before so here's your chance."

That was a fact. Many times has Lena wanted to thump Clayton over his head. However, now he was giving her permission without repercussions.

"Right here," Clayton tapped the bridge of his nose. Lena just stood there. Clayton sighed. "For Christ's sake, Lena, just fuckin' hit--"

Lena closed her eyes, and with all her strength, she swung at him. Her fist landed in Clayton's left eye. Clayton stumbled back and put his hand over his face. "Dammit, Lena!" He growled. "I said my nose not my damn eye!"

Lena suppressed a laugh before she covered her mouth. "Sorry."

Clayton blinked a few times and rubbed at his eye. "Did you just swing at me with you're eyes closed?"

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