Part 2: Wow

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Katie POV

"Today is the day!" Carrie said to us that morning. All of us Dirty Candy dancers were gathered in the hallway while she gave her speech. "We are performing Wow at the pep assembly in fifteen minutes." I could tell Carrie was stressing out about this. She worked really hard on this song and the choreo. She had asked her dad for help but he was always too busy. I tried my best to help, but none of my ideas were that great. "Just do it as we rehersed, everything should be fine. Kayla, please don't confuse your left and right. And Katie, try to keep up. Alright girls let's go get ready."

We go to the gym locker room to get our costumes on. I slip on the glittery blue pants and top and put on the blue wig, adjusting it in the mirror. I get out my makeup bag and do my makeup.

"We have one minute, hurry up!" Carrie yelled at me and Kayla who were just finishing up. I don't blame her for being so stressed, but she isn't doing a very good job at handling it. "Where's Finley?" She asked.

"She's in the bathroom." Kayla said.

"Well she better hurry up!" Carrie said. Just then Finley came out of the bathroom stall and washed her hands.

"Quickly!" Carrie shouted at her. Finley quickly dried her hands and grabbed her yellow wig and tossed it on her head.

The four of us rushed out to our positions and the music started. Now I felt all the stress and anxiety. I felt the audience's eyes on me. I couldn't mess this up, especially since Carrie worked so hard. Yeah she's known as a demon to some people, but I just think she has misplaced anger.

As I danced, all I could hear was the crowd cheering. I was getting so nervous I was afraid I'd mess it up because of my nerves. But before I knew it, it was over and the audience applauded us. That's what I love about dance, I can do it without thinking about it. Even though I was nervous, I didn't have to be because my body took over for my brain.

"Thank you, thank you!" Carrie said.

"We love you Carrie!" Someone shouted.

"I love you too!" She said. "Be sure to check out my new Youtube video! Oh, and go bob cats." She said with half as much energy as everything else. We walked over to the side of the gym while Principal Lessa walled up to give some announcements.

"Thank you Dirty Candy." She said. "That was sweet." No one laughed at her pun so she continued. "I just have a couple of announcements before you go." I zoned out as she spoke, thinking about a song called Now or Never by that band, Sunset Curve. It was really good and I am honestly surprised I found one of their songs. I've been listening to it all morning.

What broke me from my thoughts was Julie, up on stage playing the piano and singing. I knew she could do it. I went up closer to the stage to watch her perform and Carrie and Kayla followed.

And when I feel, lost and alone,
I know that I, can make it home,
Fight through the dark
And find the spark
Life is a risk but I will take it, close my eyes and jump
Together I think that we can make it, come on let's run!

Then three boys appreaed out of nowhere on the stage and started playing. Julie got up and walked around the stage.

Everyone was interested now and the whole school was crowed around the stage cheering.

Rise through the night, you and I
We will fight to shine together
Bright forever!
And rise, through the night, you and I
We will fight to shine together
Bright forever

She went over to the boy with the orange at who looked extremely happy for some reason. He also looked oddly familiar, but I didn't think much of it. Then, he started singing.

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