Part 10: Stand Tall

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~Reggie's POV

" stop! Stop!" Said a man yelling into a phone. "Stop saying the bus drove itself!" He yelled hitting the phone against the desk. The lady at the desk we were standing by grounded.

Willie had done his part of the Orphum needing an opening band, now it was our turn to introduce them to Julie and the Phatoms.

"Yeah, Willie was right, this guy's a total pro." I say sarcastically. Luke snickers, which is aboustly adorably. I love his smile.

"Alright boys, let the magic happen." He said. "Alex, no dancing."

Alex stuck his arms out like a ballerina and went over to the lady by the desk and knocked over the pens.

She bends down to pick up the pens as Alex quickly writes Julie's number down and I pull up the video. The woman gets back up and I hit play on the video.

I believe, I believe that we're just one dream

Away from who we're ment to be

That we're standing on the edge of

"Tasha, get me CJ!" The man told the lady. "Tell him I need a band to open in three hours."

"Sure, but you might want to check this out." She said. Alex chuckled in excitement. Our plan was working!

"What?" The man asked. "I'll call you back." He said into the phone before coming over.

"Somehow this video started playing on my laptop." The lady said. "It's got half a million hits I just two days."

"Who are they?"

"They're a hologram band." She said. "They call themselves... Julie and the Phatoms."

"Tell your friends." I smile.

"Where are they located?"

"Our very own City of Angels."

"Book 'em!" The man said.

"Yes!" Me and the guys celebrate. It worked! We were actually going to play the Orhpum! We...we were going to cross over. Maybe I wasn't too excited for this to work after all.

We poof back to the studio where Julie was waiting. She jumped up from the couch and began shooting a million questions at us right away.

"Oh my gosh! What took you guys so long? Did Willie do it? Did you talk to them? Did they watch? Did they like us? Are we playing? Someone answer! Why's no one talking?" She said in all one breath.

"Woah, that's a lot of questions." I say. "Luke, you want to take this one?"

"Take a seat." He instructed. She sat on the couch and we kneel on the floor on the other side of the coffee table. "It fine, everything's fine."

"Yeah, you should be getting a call right!" Alex said and we all point to her phone, but it didn't ring. What if they changed their mind? Would that be a good thing or a bad thing? I mean...I don't exactly what to cross over but I'm still physced to play the Orhpum.

"Okay." Alex said. "!" We try again and this time it starts ringing. Julie squeals in excitement and me.and the boys high five. "Nailed it." Alex said.

"Go!" We all say after we sit for a second listening to her phone ring.

"Oh!" Julie says, answering the phone and clearing her throat. "Hello?"

"Hi, this is Tasha from the Orhpum in Hollywood."

Julie sets her phone down and jumps up on the table and me and the boys do a happy dance. "Is this Julie of Julie and the Phatoms?" Tasha asked. Julie held out her arms to signal us to stop. We freeze and she bends down and picks her phone back up.

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