Part 8: On the Edge of a Perfect Harmony

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Reggie's POV

After we totally killed it at the café, a manager was about to come talk to us. It could have changed our lives, but Julie's dad busted her. Now we were sitting on her living room couch.

Carlos was trying to hunt us with some app. A sudden beeping nosie came from his tablet.

"Gotcha!" Carlos said as his aunt turns on the lights.

"For the last time mijo, ghosts aren't real." She said.

I shake my head. "Typical adult." I say. "Remember when we were kids and they never believed what we said?"

"Yeah I'm pretty sure that's just a you thing." Alex said. "I was always pretty trustworthy."

"Shouldn't we be more worried about Julie?" Luke asked. I couldn't help but notice the way he looked at her during Finally Free, and she was all he seemed to care about now. "Her dad just busted her, okay? He's probably making her quite the band."

"Well there's not much we can do about that now." I say.  "But....we can still help Carlos. Adults not believing children ends tonight! Show time."

I reach over and turn out the lamp. Ghost aren't real, huh?

"Ghosts aren't real, huh?" Carlos said reading my mind. He was basically a mini me. "How do you explain that?"

"Light bulbs burn out all the time Carlos." Tía said.

"Ooh, wrong answer Tía." I said heading over to the blinds. "Explain this." I start opening and closing the blinds, which seems to do the trick. Tía looked frightened.

"Maybe it's my mom." Carlos said. "She knows I haven't been replacing the toilet paper!"

"Your mama would never scare us!" Tía said. "This is the work of a demon." I stop, offended by such a rude insult. A demon?

"Hey, words hurt." I said even though she can't hear me.

"Wait! I gotta get it on video!" Carlos said, making me forget about that hurtful D word.

"Yeah ya do!" I say. I walk over to the table where a white sheet is. "Time for an old classic." I say, picking up the sheet and waving it around.

"Dang it was in selfie mode!" Carlos said as Tía pulled him out of the room shaking in fear.

I plop down on the chair. Haunting is hard work. "Whew."  I said. Alex and Luke sat on the couch, not pleased with my work.

"Do you have any idea what you've done?" Alex asked. Of course I knew what I did, I defended Carlos!

"Yeah, I do." I said. "I defended every kid who's never been believed. Some might say I'm a superhero." They would call me Radiant Reg, or maybe Rad Reg. Yeah, Rad Reg. But Julie wouldn't be too happy to find out about this. "We should probably hide before Julie finds out." I say running off.

Katie's POV

I wake up in my own bed with no memeroy from last night. It's just a blank. The last thing I remember was coming home after getting my body back and working on homework.

I check my phone, seeking answers and I see a text I sent to Carrie that I don't remember sending.

Me: I changed my mind, I'll do the gig tonight

Carrie: thank you so much, you have no idea how much this means to me!

I performed last night? But I quite Dirty Candy for good. I was going to join Julie's band and leave the drama behind me.

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