my everything

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My Everything
song used: My Everything by Ariana Grande

this is dedicated to the 22 victims of the Manchester bombing. may your beautiful souls rest in peace and sending all of the love to the families and friends that were affected. this may have happened a long time ago, but #NEVERFORGET

i cried enough tears
to see my own reflection in them
and then it was clear
i can't deny, i really miss him

Justin paced his New York City apartment, the phone pressed against his ears as the annoying ring rang through his eardrums.

"I'm sorry, the person you called is not available. Please leave a message-"

He ended the call, frustration shaking through his veins. "Fuck."

Flopping down onto the bed, he ran a hand down his face. He had just found out about the bombing in Manchester at Ariana's concert, and he couldn't stop worrying. There wasn't any news on Ariana or if anyone was hurt at all, and Ariana wasn't picking up her phone.

Checking the world clock, it was 11:39pm over in England, and he knew her concerts should've ended by then already. Fear continued to wash over him as the fans were freaking out all over Twitter, but no real information was released yet and he was itching for an answer.

Justin grabbed his phone, suddenly remembering the one person who he could call and he decided that if everything worked out, he needed to be ready. Dialing Alfredo's number, he began throwing random outfits into a backpack, as he heard the phone click and Alfredo's worried voice spoke.

"She's fine, Justin. Ariana's fine."

He let out the biggest sigh of relief. He was scared, so scared that if Ariana had been hurt, he wouldn't know what to do. Closing his eyes and taking steady breaths, he responded back, "Are you sure? Are you with her?"

Alfredo's voice got quieter, "Physically yes, she's unharmed, but I don't think she's emotionally okay. I heard some fans got hit by the bomb. And yes, I was just with her. She's in hysterics right now and she keeps saying that it's her fault and that she wants to end her career. I don't know what to do, she's with her mom and the twins right now, but I'm about to head back and take them to the hotel."

Justin chewed on his bottom lip, as he balanced his phone between his ear and his shoulder and zipped up his backpack after packing a toothbrush and a comb. "Text me where you guys are staying. I'm coming."

to think that i was wrong
i guess you don't know what you got 'til it's gone
pain is just a consequence of love
i'm sayin' sorry for the sake of us

Justin arrived at Manchester by 9am, and the cab pulled up to the hotel address that Alfredo had texted him, after pleading the driver to go as fast as he legally could without killing them. He rushed inside, not bothering to check if there was any paparazzi around, but he couldn't care less.

He pulled out his phone, checking the room number that Alfredo had texted him, and he couldn't find the patience to wait for the elevator. Sprinting up the ten flights of stairs, he was out of breath by the time he reached Ariana's suite door.

"Did you run all the up here?" Alfredo asked once he opened the door and seeing a sweaty Justin, gasping for air.

"Yeah, it was faster and I needed a workout anyways," Justin stepped inside the hotel room, throwing his bag onto the floor and getting to the point. "Where's Ari?"

Alfredo pointed to the bedroom door across from the living room of the suite. "She's been in there ever since we got here. She fell asleep for a little, but I think she's up. She hasn't moved or talked ever since though, and her mom couldn't get her to at least change out of her show outfit."

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