why try

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Why Try
song used: Why Try by Ariana Grande

i've been living with devils and angels, angels
realize you and i are in the same boat, same boat
kills me, how you love me
then you cut me down, i'll do the same
we've been living like angels and devils, devils

It was that time of year again, the Supernatural Convention. Zeus stood on a balcony in the hugest ballroom in Olympus, looking out at all the servant gods that were busy setting up for their convention later tonight.

Zeus is the god of the universe, his brothers, Poseidon, is the god of the sea, and Hades is the god of the underworld. For each god, they have Supernaturals living under them, either in Olympus, Atlantis, or the Underworld. Only the very few lived in the human world.

The human world and human interaction was not forbidden however. All Supernaturals had something to give to the humans. They were there to make the world a better place.

They never stayed on Earth for long though; Zeus was afraid they'll get too attached to these humans. He made sure all the Supernatural teenagers that were assigned to Earth went to school and only stayed long enough for whatever they needed before having to go back to either Olympus, Atlantis, or the Underworld.

Zeus claimed himself as the ruler of everyone and everything, as he was the oldest one out of all his brothers. He is a smart and kind man at heart, compared to his brothers, especially Hades.

He knew of the powers of the Supernaturals, so he wanted to make certain that everyone got along well with each other. If a war ever broke out between any of the Supernaturals, the human race would be wiped out by the effects. So annually, Zeus holds this convention, in hopes of creating peace between the Supernaturals, for everyone to get along.

Zeus looked at his clipboard, the list of all the Supernaturals who were going. Witches, wizards, werewolves, vampires, ghosts, reapers, mermaids, mermen, fairies.. All of which got along well. Except for two.

The angels and devils.

i'm loving the pain, i never wanna live without it
so why do we try? you drive me insane
now we're screaming just to see who's louder
so why do we try? you got me like na na na

Ariana Grande laughed as her fellow angel friend, Alexa Luria pulled her onto the dance floor.

"Lexi, I can't dance."

Ariana and Alexa are angels, literally. Ariana was a short, petite girl, with long, luscious brown hair that cascaded down her back and shaped her face well. Alexa was taller, more built, with light brown hair that matched her doe eyes. The both of them had angels wings indicating which Supernatural they were from.

"Yes, you can. Just move your body to the music."

It was the 10 o'clock, and the party was just starting. The parents usually left earlier, so their teens could enjoy their night. As parents, they understood how different or alone their teenagers could be feeling especially at this point of their lives. For one night, they were normal.

"Easy for you to say; you dance."

"Dancing isn't much different than singing," Alexa yelled, shoving people out of the way to get the two of them to the middle of the dance floor, where most of the fun was at.

Ariana closed her white angel wings tightly to her body to avoid hitting others, as she tried to avoid the abnormal features of the Supernaturals. "How so?"

"Singing and dancing both involve the music."

Ariana let the words seep into her head. Soon enough, she felt herself jumping along to the music, moving her body to the rhythm.

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