break free

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Break Free
song used: Break Free by Ariana Grande featuring Zedd

if you want it, take it, i should've said it before
tried to hide it, fake it, i can't pretend anymore

Ariana walked into the studio, clutching a notebook to her chest as she listened to her pitter-patter footsteps echoing in the empty hallway. She was currently in the unfamiliar studio in Paris, France, where her next Honeymoon tour show was.

Music was something that helped her speak out her emotions better than she ever could to someone, and she felt so pent up lately, she couldn't stay away from the studio.

Glancing at the doors, she stopped when she reached Studio 408. She swung open the door, just as someone was opening it from the inside. Ariana stumbled backwards, since the person was much stronger than she was.

He grabbed Ariana's arm before she could fall on her butt as she tripped on her foot. "Oh shit, I'm so sorry," the man apologized, stepping out of the room and holding the girl upright by her two arms. "I didn't mean to."

Ariana giggled, tilting her head up to face him when she felt her world stop spinning. "It's alright, Justin. What are you doing here?"

Justin wrapped his arms around her petite body for a friendly hug, which she returned. He bent down to pick up his notebook that had dropped during the whole process while he responded, "I knew you had a show here soon, so I decided to be in town."

Ariana raised an eyebrow, crossing her arms in front of her. An amused smile played on her lips as she curiously stared at the boy in front of her. "Uh huh."

He broke out in a smile. "Just kidding. It's Wango Tango and Skrillex and Diplo are here. I'm performing Where Are U Now with them, along with a couple of other songs too."

"Oh yeah, I heard about that! Hey, where were you going anyways?" She asked, side tracking from the topic.

Justin had the door swung open, the two just having their conversation at the entrance of the studio room. "Oh, I was writing all morning. I was about to get a coffee break. Why?"

"I was just wondering if you would like to come chill with me, help me write and stuff." Ariana shrugged nonchalantly, but she was hopeful he would say yes.

"Sounds great," Justin grinned. "But let's get some coffee and food first. I'm starving."

"Okay, I'm in need of some Paris coffee anyways."

Justin exited the room fully, closing the door behind him. The two walked out of the studio building, and onto the streets of Paris, France. They decided to ditch the car.

Ariana and Justin stood side by side, arms swinging, once in a while their skin brushing past each other. She looked at her surroundings, smiling at the busy environment around her. She saw the fancy French restaurants lined up on the sidewalk, the aromas of fresh bread and pastries filling her nostrils. Art vendors even lined up on the walls, the art pieces in display for all to see.

Justin stared at her, admiring her beauty as she admired the beauty around her. He slowed down, only for a little to snap a photo of her. She was staring at one of the art pieces on the floor; he even managed to sneak the Eiffel Tower in the photo. She didn't even notice.

"I was talking to Scooter about Wango Tango; I'm planning to attend. I love seeing Tori performing, she's absolutely stunning."

Justin faked a pout, catching up to her before she noticed he was falling behind. "And not to see your best friend Justin Bieber perform? I'm hurt."

She laughed, "Justin Bieber kinda sucks though. He doesn't even know the words to my songs."

Justin's mouth fell open, making Ariana laugh even louder. "That was one time! I learned it for the second show, alright?"

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