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29th Chapter

"I don't see you much these days."

"Uh," you stutter, "I got hurt in my knees and-" You get totally cut off by Oikawa.

"Huh? You got hurt?" His eyes widen.

"It's not serious at all," you wave your hands.

"Why didn't you tell me?" His jaw tightens.

You fall silent. You had thought there was no need to tell him because he is not related to you anymore.


"Uh- I- I'm sorry. I crossed my line again," he is definitely pissed off.

He is pissed with you. It is completely new for you. You don't know what to say at all. So you don't say anything. You just watch him walk past you and exit the store.

You close your eyes letting a few droplets fall down again after a quite some time.

These days, Kuroo is always around you. He insists to do everything with you. You don't exactly like or hate his company. But that is not a matter of fact at all because he will not leave you alone.

You finally get some time away from him. So you decide to go to a park to get some fresh air.

You are sitting on a bench and listening to music. Suddenly a cat comes to you. Instinctively you lift your legs on the bench and pause the song.

"Oi! You got the wrong person. She doesn't care about us," you look up to see if you are hearing right.

It is your ex boyfriend, Oikawa.

You sigh but he just giggles.

Oikawa picks up the cat.

"I'm sorry on behalf of him," he holds the cat's two legs and clasps both of the legs together to make it seem that it's apologising too.

You smile at his cute effort.

"Also I am sorry behaving like that at the convenience store that day."

"Oh," you mutter.

He lets the cat go.

"I made a face you don't like. I also cursed after I exited from there which you don't like. I did so many wrongs in such a short time. The more I don't want to let my feelings affect you, the more I make you worried. I am such a jerk."

You lift your hand wanting to touch his hair but you stop. He is trying so much. You don't want it to go to waste.

"It's fine," you speak softly.

He gets on his knees in front of you. He takes a good look at you before saying, "Are you okay?"

Dating The School Idol || Oikawa Toru x Reader || Haikyuu FF [Completed (✓)]Where stories live. Discover now